Chapter 10

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Levi flew me up to the rooftops and placed me down. He pointed out the rout the runners would take, instructed me on how to follow them and pointed out the rout I would have to take to get home.

"Kill anyone that follows them, and any military police you see." He said, "and since I've had no time to train you I don't want you pulling anything risky."

I nodded.

After he left, all that was left for me to do was wait. I looked down at the busy street below, particularly at all the merchants.

They were squabbling trying to load crates onto a wagon, in those crates I assumed was money. I heard the distant sounds of zipping followed by Levi and Furlan appearing seemingly out of nowhere and knocking over the crates.

I pulled out my gun, covered my head with my hood and watched as the runners picked up small envelopes and anything of value before sprinting away.

I followed along the rooftops, keeping an eye out for anyone following them. I saw someone, a merchant's apprentice maybe, running after them.

I lifted my gun, aimed and shot them right through the heart. They looked at me with terror in their eyes, I gave nothing but a cold gaze back.

Deep down I was hoping I made a dramatic entrance but I still had a job to do. I didn't have to kill any mps since there were none there so I just began running.

I ran along the rooftops, occasionally having to jump over gaps between the houses.

Soon enough the runners neared the end of their rout. When I was sure nobody was following them, I began descending.

I had to take a different rout home, due to the fact I needed a place to climb down. I went to the area Levi had pointed out to me and climbed down a drain pipe.

Honestly, drain pipes are useless as it doesn't even rain down here because there's a roof over the city. Drain pipes have no other use other than for people to climb on, whoever built these houses clearly didn't think of that.

I slid down the pipe which lead me into an alley. I walked through it, keeping a hand near my gun constantly as I didn't fully trust myself after the last incident in an alley.

I followed the rout Levi had given me, everything was going well until I saw a small pool of blood out of the corner of my eye.

I looked to see a black and brown cat laid in the center of it. I completely paused before slowly walking towards the cat.

On closer inspection there was a black cat beside it. When I got close the black one hissed at me.

I tried petting it to show I was friendly and it seemed to calm down. I turned my attention to the other cat to see it had a broken leg and a small wound in its side, but it was breathing.

There was an eerie feeling in the air, somehow this cat reminded myself on the night I was attacked and Levi saved me.

I scooped up the black and brown cat and began walking home. The black cat was following behind me.

When I got home, I opened the door letting the black cat in before going in myself. I saw Levi sat on the sofa with a cup of tea, I tried to sneak upstairs but he caught me.

"Ash why on earth do you have two cats?"

"I found them in an alley." I said, "can we keep them?"

"Is that one bleeding? No we aren't keeping them." Levi said.

"Please??" I asked sitting next to him.

"No, they're dirty." Levi muttered.

I placed the black and brown cat down on my lap before grabbing fistfuls of my hoodie. Levi looked at me confused for a second before I burst out in fits of sobs.

Buried love [Levi Ackerman x male oc story]Where stories live. Discover now