Chapter 4

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They grabbed my wrist and held it firmly in the air

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They grabbed my wrist and held it firmly in the air. I quickly changed the knife from one hand to the other and spun around trying once again to stab the man.

When I swung the knife at him however, I completely missed.


The man grabbed my other wrist and took the knife from me.

"Empty your pockets." The man said before turning me around.

He momentarily let go of one of my wrists to hold them together with one hand instead so I wiggled my hands free and took a few steps forward.

I took my gun out from my pocket and aimed it at the man's head. I pulled the trigger but nothing happened.

"Shit, im out of bullets." I thought to myself.

Since I'm no good with hand to hand combat, I knew I had only one option left. Run.

I turned around and ran as fast as I could down the alley. I probably would have escaped if it wasn't for my leg.

I heard the man quickly catching up before shoving me to the floor. I tried to crawl away until I heard a snap and felt an immense pain in my leg.

I screamed in pain and clutched my now broken leg, the man had jumped on my leg and snapped the bone. Coincidentally, it was the same leg that had been stabbed the day before.

The man turned me and kneeled on my back. He pinned both my wrists to the ground with one of his hands.

"Stop being difficult." He said as he began searching my pockets with his other hand.

I gritted my teeth and tried pushing the man off me. I managed to get one of my arms free and shoved the man away.

I began crawling once more. I didn't get very far before the man stepped on my back.

"I said stop being difficult."

"I don't give a shit what you said." I spat as I pushed his foot off me.

"I don't really think your in a position to give me attitude." The man said pulling me up by my hair to my knees.

In that moment, I noticed my knife in the man's hand, pointing at me. With one sharp movement the knife was driven into the side of my body just below the ribs.

My eyes widened upon impact, I felt the warm blood flow out of the wound at a steady pace. The man let go of my hair and I doubled over as the pain kicked in from the initial shock.

I laid down on the floor in pain, I would have been clutching my side but I didn't want to move the knife fearing that it would make me bleed out more.

Suddenly I heard footsteps from around one of the corners.

"Shit." The man said before leaving quickly.

I trembled on the floor as I heard someone else stop before me.

Buried love [Levi Ackerman x male oc story]Where stories live. Discover now