Chaoter 16

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Both me and Furlan rummaged around a room looking for something.

"Shit where is it.." I muttered to myself as I checked behind books in a bookshelf and in draws.

We had been told to look for an important piece of paper for our job, that was the reason we were even in the scouts.

I thought that since Erwin doesn't have much stuff finding the paper in his office would be a cinch.

Out of nowhere I heard Levi whistle from outside, the signal that someone was coming. I looked around frantically for a hiding spot.

Without finding one, both me and Furlan made a rush for the door and ran down the hallway.

"We keep coming up empty." I said once me, Levi, Isabel and Furlan had entered a room by ourselves.

"We should assume it's not in his room." Furlan said.

"Huh? Then where is it?" Isabel asked.

"What do you do with something you absolutely don't want taken?" Furlan replied.

"Stick it in my bellyband, of course!" Isabel announced proudly.

"I don't know if he would wear a bellyband, but yes." Furlan replied, "there's a good chance he carries it around."

"I have an idea, outside the walls bud and everyone else's attention will be focused on the titans right?" I said, "we're sure to find an opportunity."

"Makes sense! I like that!" Isabel said.

"Okay, Levi?" I asked to see what he thought of the idea.

"Yeah." He replied.

He seemed to stare into space for a second before coming back.

"I'll go by myself though." He said.

"Huh?" Furlan said, clearly confused.

"You three come up with some reason to stay behind." Levi continued.

"Bro.. what for?!" Isabel exclaimed.

"We've still never seen a real titan, or been outside the walls. It might take all we've got just to make it back alive. If I'm alone, I'll manage somehow."

"Levi-" I stared just to be cut off by Furlan.

"In other words, the three of us can't handle it?"

"Yeah, that's what my gut tells me." Levi replied.

I could have made a joke about shit in that moment, but decided now wasn't the time.

"Don't decide this for us!" Isabel shouted, "we won't know unless we try!"

"What's going on? It's not like you to lose your nerve." I asked.

"If I can't do it, just drop the whole idea." Levi said, "we'll aim for some other opportunity."

Levi stormed out of the room after that, we all called after him but he just continued walking.

All three of us followed after him until we came up to the rooftops to find him sat on the ledge.

"Levi, let's talk." Furlan said as Levi turned around to face us, "any way you look at it, going alone doesn't seem like a good idea, it's more dangerous."

"When we go outside, don't we go together? Have you forgotten?" Isabel asked.

Levi turned to face away from us, "it's the same." He said.


"When there's no moon or starts, the dark of night is the same above or below ground."

I looked up at the dark cloudy sky, surely enough it did look eerily similar to the ceiling of the underground but not the same.

Buried love [Levi Ackerman x male oc story]Where stories live. Discover now