Chapter 2

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I ran down the streets with some mps in hot pursuit. I don't know when they got a good enough look at me to draw that poster but I was completely fucked, even with my mask and hood I was still kind of recognizable.

I sharply turned a corner into an alley and began jumping over barrels and crates that were left in there.

I had one advantage over the mps, I knew the streets layout and they didn't.

I turned another corner and moved a crate out of the way before crawling into a little side passage. I moved the crate back to where it was and crawled down the passage.

"Where'd he go?!" I heard them shouting.

"I don't know keep searching!"

I knew I had to escape before they found the passage so I made my way down it and came out into another alley.

I ran to where I slept and climbed up the rope onto the roof. If the mps knew what I look like now then it wasn't safe for me to sleep on someone's roof anymore.

I collected anything I had left up there before climbing down from the roof. For the rest of the day I searched for somewhere to stay.

Night quickly approached and the streets became silent. I knew from experience that going into alleys at night wasn't the best thing to do so I tried to avoid them as much as I could.

I walked around for a bit longer until I found some secluded houses. I looked into one of the windows to see a blonde man that I recognized to be the one using odm gear.

I decided that I would wait until they went to sleep before stealing the gear, it would sell for so much money.

I stayed in the street outside until their oil lamps inside all went out. I waited another three hours to ensure that they were asleep before approaching the house.

I walked to a window before smashing it with the handle of my gun. I climbed inside and began walking around trying to find anything.

I sighed as I searched the whole downstairs finding nothing except for a bag of money which I placed in the back pocket of my trousers.

I was about to go upstairs before something cold was pressed against my throat and my hands were held together at the wrists.

"Why are you here." They said.

I didn't reply and tried to work my hands free.

"Answer me." They said as they pinned me to a wall holding my wrists above my head and the knife to my throat still.

I managed to get a good look at the man that moment, he had raven black hair in an undercut, steel grey eyes and he was barely taller than me, no more than an inch or so.

"Bit close don't you think?" I said.

"A girl..?" He muttered.

Well that caught me off guard.

"Are you daft? Do I seriously look like a girl to you?!" I yelled.

"Why are you in my house."

"You really thought you'd have a girl in your house, you wish."

"Why are you in my house." He repeated pushing the blade at my neck further in causing me to bleed a small amount.

"This is no way to treat a lady." I muttered rolling my eyes.

Without saying a word he got closer to my face causing my breath to hitch. Why hadn't he killed me yet? I couldn't reach my knife or gun so I couldn't fight back.

Buried love [Levi Ackerman x male oc story]Where stories live. Discover now