Now that even more countries started to come, they started to start towards the seats. 

(Since this story is merely a fragment of my imagination I will remove the fact that there are arranged seatings in the UN general assembly UwU)

Many countries didn't know about what happened to North, so they avoided him. When he sat next to South and his allies, they raised an eyebrow.

"South, why is North Korea sitting next to you?" A young voice asked. It was South Sudan, still 11 years old.

"It's the child." North said.

South Sudan narrowed his eyes. "Don't underestimate me." Was all he said, then turned back to South. "You still haven't answered my question."

"You will find out soon enough." South replied.

"South Sudan! Get over here now!" Sudan yelled.

South Sudan rolled his eyes. "Stupid dad. Even after war he still thinks he has control over me." He sighed and started towards his father. "I won't listen to you!.." He called out, until he got far away enough for the brothers not to be able to hear.

"He's still eleven? " North asked. "How does he run his country?"

"He needs a lot of humanitarian aid. He is still developing." Was all South said.

Just then, China, The Soviet Union, and all the communist countries arrived. Soviet laid his eyes on North, while China did the same. Cuba, Vietnam, and the others seemed to know nothing about what happened to North.

North glared at them. "They can't do anything to me now." He growled.

Soviet broke into a smile, while he whispered something to China. China looked him with narrowed eyes and went to their seats.

The meeting started, and America went to the front.

"Does everyone here understand why we are gathered here today?" He addressed the room.

Many countries shook their head, and he sighed.

"Well there is something quite surprising. As you can see, The Democratic People's Repulic Of Korea and The Republic Of Korea don't have any tension between them. The seats that they have chosen for this general assembly are also next to each other." He said.

The other countries turned their heads to look at the brothers.

"I wonder how that had happened?" Germany murmured to Poland.

"I don't know myself. Arent they at war?" Poland asked, flapping his wings slightly.

"Silence!" America called, and the conversations stopped.

He took a moment to shoot Soviet a hateful glare, then glanced at North. "Do you want to explain?" He whispered, leaning away fron the mic.

"I.." North looked at South.

"I think you should. It would clear up a lot of confusion in the room if you said so yourself." South said.

North looked at Soviet. He thought for a moment. "I guess.."

He went up to the front, in front of the microphone. Seeing that nearly all countries here now hated him made his head spin.

He cleared his throat. "As you may all know, a couple of months ago I invaded South with the same motive as decades before; reuniting our peninsula under communism."

The 16 countries that had helped decades before nodded gravely, looking over to South.

"Fortunately, that had failed." North continued.

Why brother why?... [ Countryhumans Korea ] REWRITINGHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin