"Hello there."

I turned around and saw none other than Silvia. She had her black dress on and had that crazy look in her eyes. I looked over at Killian and he moved towards me. He stood in front of me and whispered quietly, "Run." We both turned around and ran as fast as we could. Silvia proofed right in front of us and she smiled. "Running. Not the best choice against magic." She raised her hand up and clenched her fist loosely. Killian raised up into the air and began to choke. "PUT HIM DOWN!" I yelled out in anger and fear. Silvia looked at me and put her other hand towards me. I flew backwards to a tree and the roots flew out of the ground and wrapped around me. I struggled against the restraints, but nothing worked. Silvia took her hand away from me and pointed it at my heart. Killian tried to hold on to it, but the tighter he squeezed, the more it hurt. I opened my mouth and let out a pained noise. Killian stopped and my heart flew out of his hand to Silvia's. She smiled. "Thank you, Captain. I appreciate it." She looked at me. "Emma. You weren't supposed to be able to find your heart." She stepped closer to me and finally let go of Killian. He fell to the ground and coughed for air. 

"Now, I need you to stop screwing up my plans and start working with me," Silvia said with an evil smirk. Silvia walked closer to me as I struggled against the tree roots. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Killian reach towards his pocket and pull out his phone. I knew immediately that he was texting my parents. He put the phone away and rose to his feet. Silvia turned so that she could see both of us. "You know, I was going to keep you both alive but now....well you've messed up everything. Heroes should lose every once in awhile and now they will." She held the heart up and put her other hand to Killian in case he moved. She squeezed my heart slowly at first. Then she squeezed harder. I screamed. My vision began to blacken. As I thought I was going to die, I saw Killian move towards Silvia. While Silvia looked at me, Killian decided to make a move. He slashed at her with his hook. Silvia yelped in surprise and dropped my heart. I hung my head and breathed heavily. Killian pinned Silvia down to the ground. "Swan, are you okay?" I just moaned.

Then I saw my parents. They emerged out of the dark of the woods. "Emma!" Mary Margaret ran over to me and tried to pull the roots off of me. David ran over to Silvia and put his sword to her throat. Killian walked over to me and tried to cut the roots away with his hook. It worked and he enveloped me in his arms. "I thought I was going to lose you." He said quietly in my ear. I hugged him tighter. "I love you, Emma." He'd told me this before. I wanted desperately to say the words back, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. So I just kissed him. I hugged my mom next. David kept his sword on Silvia's skin. I picked up my heart and handed it to Killian. "I did it to you. Now I want you to do the same for me." He licked his bottom lip and gave me a nervous look. "Are you sure, Swan?" I nodded. He took the heart and held it to my chest. I took a deep breath as he plunged it back into my chest. It was painful as hell, but it was worth it. I felt whole. I felt like I could love again. I smiled widely. "I feel amazing." I hugged both Killian and Mary Margaret. We laughed together as I let go. David picked Silvia up and held her sleeve tightly as he kept her sword at her throat.

"So, you think it's over? You think you've won?" Silvia laughed like a madman. "You think that I'm going to give up? You haven't won. You haven't even seen what I'm capable of. Maybe I should show you." She raised her hands and we were all in front of the clock tower. Silvia wasn't in David's arms anymore. She stood to the side of him and with a wave to her hand, his sword was out of his grasp. The hilt hit him in the head and he dropped to the ground. "David!" Mary Margaret tried to run to him. Silvia flicked her wrist and she flew into the side of the building. She tried to stand, but held her leg in pain. I put my hands up and tried to conjure up some light magic to slow her down. The light appeared at my palms and flew to Silvia, but she was ready. She held her hands out and dark magic came out of her hands to me. Light and dark magic met in midair and collided. She pressed harder and I could feel the pressure. Killian tried to run towards her to stop her, but he just flew away from her. She pressed even harder until I couldn't hold on anymore. I let go and took deep breaths. Silvia suddenly raised her hands to the sky and dark storm clouds appeared. They swirled together and lightning and thunder clashed. The clouds were black and purple. They covered the sky around the clock tower.

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