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Lunch time and I'm heading my way to the canteen but saw Jace in the way so I had to stop and talk to Patrick "Hi" I say waving to him.

"Hello Reese"

"Um—about the tutoring? Do you mind now in the library? We can grab lunch on our way" I hate computation and anything to do with finding X but right now it's my only reason to avoid Jace.

"Sure! I have sandwiches we can share" he offer and watch him unlocking his locker to grab the sandwich.

3 minutes passed and it felt like 3 decades of my life has gone by staring to exercise number 1.

I tilted to Patrick as he is waiting for me start writing and now gesturing me to go try. I'm never a cry baby but this number is like an onion, the more you look at it the more you wanna cry!

"Oh geez" He says while reading a message "Vice P. Wants me to photocopy the consent paper for the upcoming museum activity now" out of the blue like a panicking cat he stood up, wave goodbye and watch him rushing outside the library.

???? What's that?

Good thing is, I escaped death once again.

I pick up the question paper he gave and crumpling it like I despise it.

Then saw someone blocking my way and when I lift my eyes, it's Jace which is now pulling me with her to the back of this library.

"What are you doing?!" Someone hush me for completely forgetting that we're in the library.

I step back after realizing that I'm still with her yet my back meets the end of this wall and on my left is the tall wooden bookshelves and on my front is a tall woman looking in dismay.

"Are you trying to get me jealous Reeses?" She smirkingly asked before taking another step forward "You should do better than that" She says then watch her leaning down and leveling her eyes to me. I could feel her breathing fanning in my skin, of how close our lips are.

I pushed the lump in my throat as I absentmindedly look into her parted lip "Is it sloppy you say?" She teased but before I can respond her lip is already concealing my words.

My heart is beating faster than usual but above all, her kisses is where all of my attention is focusing.

She cupped my chin as her tongue is asking for an entrance which I comply. I can feel her smiling at me in between deepening our kiss, meeting our tongue, synchronizing in rhythm.

But something crossed my mind that I push her off from me "What is this?" I ask staring back to her in frowning face "I'm not gonna be your side chick"

"Side chick?" She repeat as if she's innocent about it.

"Hello to Jade??" I frustratedly gesture to air.

She bit her lower lip and that action sends funny sensation to my body.

"Jade is my friend" She said "Wait. Are you jealous because of her?"

Now isn't the time to look so red in embarrassment but I can't help feeling my cheeks go numb and hotter at the same time.

"What? That's absurd!"

Another hush from someone and it's starting to annoy me!

She move closer with her hand on my waist as she slowly pulling me to her body "I was busy yesterday the whole day. We had to checked multiple museum places before confirming the location for the upcoming school activities. I was so tired of driving the whole day and went straight to your house only to be locked outside"

Why is she speaking softly? Where's the Jace I know? The annoying, irritating and always making my blood boil?

"You have your own house in case you're forgetting Jace" I mumbled it this time so no one can tell me to quite down.

Jace pulled me into her arms and resting her head on top of my shoulder "But you're much comforting than my home"

Just that and l my whole being is turning into this soft girl.

She hugged me tighter and I didn't even complain "I'm sure you're gonna have back pain Jace" yet she snuggled more than worrying that.

"I'm still tired can we rest inside my car?"

"Eww you can never make me sit again in your nasty backseat" I say after remembering what she told me last time.

She softly chuckled in response "I was just messing with you last time"

But since she know how hard headed I was built, we didn't go in her car, instead, she's now sleeping in the floor with her head resting on my lap and an open book is covering her face.

And now I'm kinda regretting of letting her sleep in the floor although it's carpeted but still, she sure will complains about back pain after waking up.

—-but what's this? What are we doing?

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