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Robert raises an eyebrow as I walk into his office.

"Good to see you, Romeo-"

"I think i'm obsessed with Delilah." I sit down, "Acrually, I know i'm obsessed with Delilah."

He gets up to close his door and then sits beside me, opening his drawer and giving me a box of tissues.

"How did you come up with this realisation?"

"I watch her all the time."

"When she's doing what?"

"Work, school, sleeping, with her brother, with my brother..." I bite my lip. "And I may have put cameras in our house to watch her when i'm away."

He sighs.

Straight up just sighs.

"Okay, I think we should get rid of the cameras."

"No. I like them. They give me a peace of mind too." I nod my head. "But I haven't told Delilah yet and i'm anxious... I feel anxious. I have that stupid pit in my stomach."

"Have you got that feeling any other time?"

"After I cheated on Delilah."

He looks up slowly, "Is she aware that this happened?"

"No. And she won't know. It was a mistake and it doesn't matter-"

"No, I think this does matter. Why?" He frowns.

"Because Kelly said-"

"Hold up, who's Kelly?"

"The girl I cheated on Delilah with." I clear my throat. "Kelly said Delilah shouldn't know, and Robert, I am always hard. So i'm always... come on, you're a guy, you know when we get hard and it's painful. Well, I am always hard because im always horny and Kelly said that Delilah didn't have to know and at the time I thought it was a good idea so I let her give me head but I was thinking of Delilah so-"

"It's still cheating."

"I know. It's bad. I had had sex with Delilah that night too and felt very... bad. But- okay this is going to make me sound like an asshole but Delilah doesn't really like to have sex... well, actually recently that has changed. But anyway, I like sex and it helps me... relax? So I need to get that relaxation somehow and-"

"God you give me a headache." He flips his page. "You can fuck your fist."

"Not the same."


"Delilah is warm."

"So buy a toy."

"Robert, you seem offended."

"I am offended. I want you to tell that girl what happened."

"It's a great thing you can only advise me me what to do because I will not be doing that." I smile a little, "I messed up, I know, but I controlled myself and blocked Kelly's number."

"Well thank god." His jaw clenches. "Don't do it again."

"I will try not to-"

"No, Romeo. You will not."

I look him in the eye and nod my head, "Can we talk about something else?"

"Go ahead." He relaxes a little bit.

"Delilah likes being around me and I like being around her but when we go to the beach, or when we go out together, I don't like it."

"Why not?"

"Because I like hurting people and being rude and killing people and she likes... flowers and helping the homeless and being nice to people; even slow walkers." I could never.

ROMEO (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now