"It sure isn't hard. There are always youkai who can manipulate the seasons, and they have a small range of effect too. Someone prayed for the rain?"

Marisa mindlessly said, while Rinnosuke felt relieved and try to divert the topic.

"So, the rain is only falling here... Hmhmhm..."

Ibaraki, who is looking at Rinnosuke who seemed incredibly happy about something, looks around as she sees the sword that attacked her.

And by reviewing the myths she thinks it is because of the sword there is rain, but the fact she destroyed the sword will, effectively making it an ordinary holy sword.

So, she dismissed the sword as the culprit and thought about what Marisa said.

"Fairies... water... didn't they like mildew? Wait, is it because of the Mycelium fabric that I store?"

Ibaraki grumbled until she remembered the Mycelium fabric that she makes and store into the attic.

She looked around and sighed in relief that they did not hear her, since that is her secret project.


Marisa softly called out to Ibaraki.

"What is it?"

Ibaraki replied while Fixing Marisa's hair with a comb.

"Can we cuddle?"

Marisa makes a request while looking at Ibaraki's golden eyes.


Ibaraki finishes braided Marisa's hair, Marisa smiles and led Ibaraki on the couch and hugs her while smiling sweetly.

Shuten feels jealous because she cannot really be as bold as Marisa when showing her love. Ibaraki, who sees this, beckons her to come closer.

She comes closer and Ibaraki pulls her to the side and hugs her, making her blush, but she did not struggle and just let it happen.

Rinnosuke sees this and his glasses cracked, he quickly changes his glasses and do not think about anything.

――Flash! Rummmmble...

A loud thunder resounded making Rinnosuke flinch but strangely enough the three people on the couch did not feel bothered by it.

The rain suddenly stopped, and the sound of the rain ceased, the sunlight entering the store making the dreary atmosphere disappears.

Making it looked like there is no heavy rain earlier.

"Oh, it stopped rainin'. Looks like she did it, huh?"

"I'm curious what is the culprit behind this"

Marisa said while she pokes Ibaraki's cheeks.

Ibaraki tense for a split second, making both Marisa and Shuten felt that, and they looked at Ibaraki.

――Knock, knock.

"It's over! I hope you have prepared the rest of it. And oh, Marisa's here."

Reimu enters the room excitedly, ignoring her wet appearance.

"Ibaraki, can you please dry me again?"

Reimu cheerfully asked Ibaraki, as she is rearing to get the money from Rinnosuke so she will gain the ability to buy what she wants.

"Then come here Reimu, I don't want to move and lose a single second of warmth"

Marisa said while hugging Ibaraki more tightly, making Reimu made an eye roll.


Reimu walks forwards towards them.

"So, what was the cause behind our strange fox's wedding?"

Rinnosuke ask Reimu towards the weird weather.

"Hmm? Oh, well, it was only a rainy season fairy that had started living in your attic. I threatened it a little, and it ran off. I do not really know why the rain got heavier midway, though. Someone interfered with it?"

"A fairy that mischievously lengthens the rainy season. Just like you."

Reimu, said in a relaxed manner, making Rinnosuke confused and in disbelief.

"What are you talking about? I can't make rain fall."

"I'm talking about your name – (霖) long rain – right?"

Rinnosuke is in disbelief that Reimu made a pun about his name, meanwhile Shuten realize how versatile Japanese language in puns.

"I wasn't given my name for that particular meaning. So, then what? What was it about that fairy?"

Rinnosuke expressed his curiosity towards the event.

"Since your place is covered in mildew, it got comfortable and settled down. It liked the mildew! It would help if you cleaned out the shop thoroughly occasionally. You never know when something like that might settle in again."

Reimu said while she enjoyed being warm up.

"Mildew? That is impossible since Ibaraki cleans everything..."

Rinnosuke said in disbelief since it is very unlikely Ibaraki did not clean every nook and cranny of the house.

"It's a lot of Mildew especially it's sprawling in the floor also there are clothes being covered in mildew"

Reimu said, making Ibaraki think that it is over.

"Ibaraki, did you make Mycelium fabric?"

Shuten said in disbelief since dealing with mushrooms is very risky and health concerning without the proper safety parameters for it.

"Yes... but I am constantly being surrounded by flames, so I am good!"

Ibaraki defended herself by saying she knows how to counteract the unhealthy environment.

"We will talk later at the house"

Marisa said seriously making Ibaraki felt that her secret project will be combust into dust.


meanwhile Rinnosuke looked outside the window and think's that his sovereignty was still a distant dream.

"Rinnosuke where's the rest of my money!"


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