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"Derek?" A distinct woman's voice called out. Derek could recognize that voice even if he was in a coma. His jaw dropped to the floor when he connected the voice to the person, in flesh.

"Mom?" As soon as Derek said that, Meredith's entire body tense up and Derek held her tighter in his arm, as if he was protecting her from some evil monster.

Mark who was standing beside Derek's mom immediately put up his hand as an act of innocence. "I swear, I told her it was a bad idea! She won't listen!"

"Let me go." Meredith whispered, feeling more embarrassed than ever. She slide down his bdoy and gathered up the clothes in the living room and went upstairs to change. Everyone watched her, especially the mother.

His mom asked him, "Derek, who is this?"

Derek hesitated when he saw Meredith came downstairs in her clothes from last night. Meredith heard the question, and also the silent answer.

"It's okay, Derek...I'm gone." She whispered with her head bent low. She quickly walked past him and Mark by the door, never looking up. Derek started to walk forward to stop her, but she already slammed the door shut.

Derek's shoulders dropped in defeat and he fell down into the couch, feeling the impact of what had just happened in the few moments before.

"Second chance." He whispered quietly to himself, his hand over his face.

His mother sat down beside him, watching him carefully. "Was that...?"

"Yes, mom. That was Mere...if she still wants me." Derek said quietly, the tiredness filling his voice. After the break up, Mark had told Derek's mom and Derek and Meredith. Derek at first objected, but his mom and Mark had being calling him or visiting him regularly to check up on him. Him mom had never seen him so broken and almost suicidal over a girl before. She was worried. When she knew about the concert and how Derek would go to the bar every night just to watch Meredith, she had her hopes up high. She hoped dearly that her son could finally be happy again. She was visiting that day to ask Derek if they could meet this Meredith. Now she did.

"What are you gonna do now?" His mom asked him, watching him worriedly, hoping that he wouldn't break again.

"I don't know, mom...I don't know." Derek said in a scratchy voice.

'What happened last ngiht?" Mark asked him. He had felt the pain in their break up too. Meredith had gradually became a little sister to him, and he didn't want to lose her either.

"I went to the bar, and she had the night off. So we went out for dinner and came back here. She stayed...I thought we were fianlly back together again...but this morning, well..." Derek told them the story quietly, wincing from the pain.

"So you became friends with her, and you took her out to dinner. And of all this time you spent with her, you never bother to tell her I was visiting you with Mark? That we visited regularly? And you had to let her find out like this today? Didn't you know that the worst fear of the girlfriend is the boyfriend's mother!" His mom said, summarizing everything.

"I...I was going to tell her...I didn't thought you would come today." Derek said with a grimace when he saw his mother's eyes turned from sympathetic to anger.

"That's cheap! You stalk her everyday, and knows everything about her! And she can't even know that you're a mama's boy and need to be checked up on!" Mark yelled at him accusingly.

"Does he have to be here?" Derek asked him mom, hoping to get some sympathy points.

"Of course he's here! He's your brother! And don't try to change the subject!" His mom said, poking his arm with her long fingernail.

"I screwed up! Now she's freaking out and she won't talk to me!" Derek complained.

"You moron..." His mom began, huffing out steam.

"Dont' call me that!"

"Moron! Even if she's freaking out and want to kick your ass, which I highly recommend her to do, you still need to talk to her! You need to say sorry!" She yelled, hitting him over the head.

Meanwhile, Meredith charged into the bar, still in yesterday's clothes.

"Someone did the boom chicka last night!" Christina said with an evil grin.

"Where's the loverboy?" Izzie added, glad to see her friend finally happy again.

"Anyone saw Meet the Parents?" Meredith shot back with a meaningful glare.

"Derek's a mama's boy?" Izzie asked incredulously, before laughing out loud.

"She didn't walk in on you during sex did she? Cuz I'll kill to see that!" Christina said.

"No! We were going downstairs...well, he was carrying me down...and his mother was there with Mark." She said, squinting her eyes shut as she remembered the events.

"You weren't naked were you?" Christina asked, still with high interest.

"No...but...Why does he have his motehr at his place? And he didn't even tell me! NOw she'll think I'm some cheap whore! And when his mom asked him who I was, he hesitated! He fucking hesitated! I just had sex with him for like the entire night and he can't even have the decency to tell his mother!...Fucker!' Meredith screamed, her face red with anger and embarassment.

"So you guys are over?" Izzie asked, walking over to hug her.

"I don't fucking care." Meredith mumbled, hugging her back as she needed support to stand.

"It's'll find someone better. Don't pin over someone who doesn't value you." Izzie said, soothing her like a mother.

"So you wanna work and forget, or do you wanna grab a Jose and go to your happy place?"Christina said, trying her best to comfort her person without hugging.

"Work...yeah, work is good...I'll work." Meredith stuttered out finally.

"Okay...why don't you go do the books in the back. We'll handle the guys today. You need to take it easy today." Izzie said, comforting her.

"Alright...thanks guys." Meredit hmumbled and padded off slowly. She needed to work today, and hopefully get drunk too so that when she sleeps, she'll be too drunk and tired to remember. And perhaps actually sleep.

While Meredith was at the back, Izzie and Christian stood behind the bar, preparing for the night. The bell on the door jingled and without looking up, Christina hollered, "Sorry guys! We're not open yet!"

When she didn't hear the bell jingle again, she looked up. "Oh hell no! You take one more step and I'm gonna chop your penis off and stick it in the mojito!"

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