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Meredith's POV.
The next morning, it was easy-breezy for me as I blew dry my hair and tied it into a ponytail, since I didn't want static to happen to them. However, for my beloved McDreamy, it was like a battle against time. Right now, I'm just sitting in the middle of the bed, watching, since I didn't want to get in the way. Derek has been running around the apartment like a chicken with his head cut off since he woke up.

"I'm sooooo......bored!" I groaned into the pillow, teasing Derek, who was still in battle.

"Shut up! How come you're not running your ass off!" He spat back at me, throwing clothes onto the bed for packing.

"Because I was smart enough to wake up after sex to finish packing...but you mister, was sleeping like a baby." I said, pointing a finger at him with a smirk.

"Why didn't you wake me up to pack?" He yelled over his back, disappearing into the apartment again.

"I thought the old wise man had packed already." I replied, folding his clothes and put them into his suitcase. I've decided that he needed all the help he can get now.

When he buzzed in, his face was fuming, but when he saw me helping him, the fire was gone again. "You naughty, naughty girl." He mumbled under his breath.

"You love me anyways." I shot back, giving him a toothy grin. And despite the fact that we were running out of time, he still reached over to grab my face and kissed me. It was slow and tender, making me moan into his mouth. When he dropped his hands, I almost fell over the bed.

"Damn you!" I cried, holding onto the bed.

"You love me anyways!" He said with a smirk, running off to get more stuff.

"Derek, you don't need that much stuff! We're gonna be late!" I yelled.

"Nope, we've got two hours of grace time." He replied.

"What do you mean two hours of grace time? When the hell did airlines become so nice?" I asked, standing at the top of the stairs, as he came back, arms loaded with his laptop from his studio.

"When you have a private jet, you get two hours of grace time." He said with a cheeky grin.

"You have a private jet?" I asked. Derek has a private jet?

"Why do you think I work so hard for? Besides, girls like it when men have private jet."

"GIRLS!" I screamed at him, as he ducked out of the way again. He must be an expert at dodgeball.

"Only you, baby!" He said, running back up again. "The private jet is only for you and me, my love."

"Damn straight!"

"Oh...I love it when you're possessive! It's hot!" He said, while I was stil glaring at him.

"Derek...if you don't hurry your ass up, I'm gonna go on the jet without you!"

"But...but I need to renew my membership for the club!" He said, pouting like a sad puppy again.

"Just hurry up!" I said, pushing him back to his suitcases. "What do you mean by membership?"

"Ever heard of the mile high club, baby?" He said, grinning at me seductively.

Ohhh....that club. I know that club. "Who says you're getting lucky?" I replied, raising my eyebrow questionly.

"When you get on the jet, you'll see." He said confidently, as he began to move the suitcases down. I tried to help, but he just shooed me away, saying it was "manly" work. I giggled at his choice of words, and eventually, he just set me down on one of the suitcases and told me to sit there and look pretty.

We were on our way to the airport, when my cell phone rang.


"Hey, Mere! Is Derek there?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, hold on." I handed the cell phone to Derek.

"Any final instructions, mother?" Derek said into the phone. Lately, Derek and Mark were having little quarrels, mostly about work. It was usually both of their faults, but Derek was too stubborn to admit his part.

"Are you sure I don't need to go with you guys?" Mark asked, worriedly.

"I will work, don't worry!" Derek said annoyed, and handed the phone back to me.

"Hey, Mark." I said, feeling sorry for him.

"Keep an eye on him, will ya? I don't want him to just stay there for like a whole month and not write a song." He said, still worried.

"I know, don't worry." I said confidently.

"Why do you sound so confident?" Mark asked.

"Maybe because I have a plan for his procrastinating habits?" I said with a grin.

"Oh, baby! What's my little firecracker gonna do?" Mark said smugly.

"She's my firecracker!" Derek leaned over and said threateningly.

"Yeah, yeah boss. Let her have the phone." Mark said. "So what's the plan?"

"Can't tell ya." I said with a giggle. "Bye, Mark!"

I turned back to Derek, who was eyeing me suspiciously. "Meredith Grey...what the hell are you up to?"

"Why do you talk to me like I'm some crazy, weird freak?"

"I'm're just so full of surprises, you amaze me all the time." He said sweetly, pulling me into his arms as we arrived at the airport.

"Don't try to sweet talk me, cuz I'm not gonna tell." I said, pushing him off.

The driver came to a stop, and turned his face and said, "We're here, Mr. Shepherd."

"Let's go, Mere." He said, pushing the door open for me.

I came out and saw one of the most beautiful thing in my life. The plane was smooth, long and slender. It was black and sleek, and it didn't have any names or initials on there, like the ones Trump like to use...painting his name in gold fat letters on the plane body....just in case no one in Manhattan knew just how rich he is. The door descended down to the ground, and a flight attendant came out, waiting for us. (A/N: No idea if that's true or not...but you know, this is fiction)

The crew members were bringing our luggages onto the plane. After I agreed to go on the trip with him, Derek had dragged me to Louis Vuitton and bought three large monogram suitcases for me. I told him it was not necessary, since I had my own, but he insisted, saying, "I'm allowed to spoil my baby anyway I want."

"You ready?" Derek whispered in my ear, as soft as he could, since the wind was blowing around us, making our hair weave together in the air.

"Yeah." I nodded, excited like a five year old on Christmas day.

We ascended the stairs and I went into the plane, followed by Derek. When I saw the interior of the plane, I couldn't help but gasp in shock.

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