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Derek's POV.

We went home and I said I'm gonna work in the studio. Once I walked in, I started pacing around the room. Mere has really been bugging me. When I asked her why did she quit Columbia, she just clammed up. I don't know what happened to her, but whatever it is, it knocked her down so much she doesn't even want to talk about it. I'm worried about her. I've never worried about anyone before, other than myself. On the other hand, I've never really loved anyone other than myself, before. With Mere, I feel like I'm falling and I don't know where am I going to land. I have always been the one in control of the relationship, I never followed. Now, I am, and I can't pull myself away from it. I'm so ready to jump into this, but Meredith won't. She just closes herself off everytime I try to get in. I'm her boyfriend, for God's sake! Why can't she just let me in?

I walked out of the studio, feeling like almost "confronting" her, when I heard her on the phone. I know that it's low and cheap for me to eavesdrop, but at that point, I was desperate for anything that can allow me to know her more.

"Nice of you to remember to call your friends." Said a woman's voice, dripping with sarcasm. It must be Christina. She was never nice to me when I was at the bar.

"I've been busy." Meredith replied, almost guiltily.

"Where are you?" Another voice asked. Izzie?

"I'm at his place."

"Still? How is he?" Izzie asked.

"He's okay. I'm just taking care of him for now." Meredith said quietly.

"So, is he good? 'Cause he looks like he's good." Christina said. What the hell is she talking about?

"I don't know."

"You haven't done him yet? Who are you? And what did you do to my dark and twisty, philandering whore?" Christina yelled into the phone. Oh... that...Mere would never do that, would she?

"Shut up, Christina! I'm so proud of you, Mere! I'm like a proud mama!" Izzie said before I heard her start giggling.

"I'm just his friend! I'm just helping him out!" Mere protested.

"Mere, you don't do friends with just do them!" They chorused.

"I can CHANGE!" Now it was Mere's turn to yell into the phone. I can see her punching the air with her tiny, ineffectual fist, without even looking at her.

"Whatever..We called awhile ago, but there was no answer. Where were you?"Izzie asked.

"I was out." Mere said quietly.

"Oooh...details!" Christina ordered.

"With Derek."

"HA! I knew it! Izzie, give me my money!"

"On a date?" Izzie asked.

"Kinda..." Meredith said slowly. Why does she sounds so guilty?

"Christina! Give me my money back!"

"Where did he take you?" Christina demanded.

"Masa." Came the quiet reply.

"MASA! Holy Mother of Destruction!" Izzie screamed. Do they have to scream all the time?

"And why aren't you doing him now?" Christina asked, almost accusingly.

"You know he wants you, right?" Izzie said, calming down a little.

"Maybe I don't want to do him?" Meredith retorted. Why not?

"You so want him!" Her friends sang into the phone before they broke out into laughter again.

"I'm hanging up now." Meredith warned. Why don't you want me?

"One more question...can we visit you? And don't say no, because we WILL hunt you down!" Izzie said. Yes! Yes! Visit! Visit!

"Guys...I have to ask him. It's not my place." Meredith pleaded. Why don't you want your friends to visit?

"Mere, where does he live?" Christina asked, a bit suspiciously.

" know, where songwriters live." What kind of answer is that?

"Okay, let me try this again...where does a songwriter live?" Izzie said, almost mockingly.

"Fifth Avenue." Meredith whispered, almost like she didn't want them to hear.

"SERIOUSLY?" They screeched into the phone. I think I blew my eardrums.


"Oh...we are coming RIGHT NOW!" They said, and I can hear them moving around.

"Guys, no! Please!" Meredith begged them. Seriously, why not?

"Why? Are you gonna do him or something?"

"'s just that. He asked about Columbia..."

"What about Columbia?" Izzie asked, still a bit confused.

"He asked about "Columbia" Columbia."

"Oh...poor Mere. Are you okay?" Izzie asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Mere...if that bastard does something stupid again, you call me okay? And I'll break his leg, understood?" Christina said. Huh? Is it that bad?

"It's okay...really. I'm fine." Meredith said.

"Just don't get hurt, alright?" Izzie said almost like a mother.

"I'm fine, I'll phone you guys later."

"Alright, bye Mer!"


After she hang up, I hang up as well. I laid back on the couch in the studio, thinking about what I had just heard when I heard some soft footsteps and a voice.

"Next time, try to be more discreet."

"Meredith!" I yelled, quickly getting up. But she has already shut the door. I sank back down. Stupid!

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