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Meredith's POV.

I woke up with my head on Derek's chest. His arm was across me as he slept. I lightly ran my hand over his chest, curling the little chest hairs between his chests. I giggled when he grunted a little, then he went back to sleep. This is going to be so fun! I thought, smirking. I traced the lines on his chest, then slowly down his abs. I was touching his pelvic bone when he shifted his body and mumbled something incoherent. It only made me giggle more as I danced my fingers around his inner thigh. Then I gently took his shaft and began to slowly move my hand up and down on it. He began to moan as I added more pressure to my hand. His hands were starting to wonder as I ducked away, giggling even louder. Just as his little brother was making himself full known, the door bell rang.

Damn it! I reluctantly gout out of bed and threw on Derek's shirt as I went to answer the door.

"Meredith!" Izzie and Christina screamed at me. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god...

They tilted their heads sideways and studied my messed up hair, and the too big shirt hanging on my body before they started to grin conspirationally at me.

"So...was he good?" Christina asked as she and Izzie pushed their way in through the door.

"I did not..." I was about to protest but was stopped.

"Baby! Come back to bed!" Derek called out from the bedroom. DEREK!

"Yeah, baby...go back to bed, and introduce us to your new boytoy!" Izzie said before she started giggled.

"Shut up!" I screamed, hoping that Derek won't be stupid enough to get out of bed after what I just did. But, too late.

"Baby?" Derek asked, as he walked out wearing only his jeans, his little brother thankfully gone. I swear...sometimes I just wanna strangle him with my own hands!

"Yeah?" I answered, embarrassed.

"Oh sorry! You guys must be Mere's friends! I'm Derek!" He introduced himself, completely unaware of the evil grin on their faces.

"Hi Derek!" They said, all too sweetly.

"Okay," I said. "So this is Izzie, Christina, and this is Derek...and you guys are just leaving! So say goodbye!" I said, pushing them out of the door.

"Hey!, come on...they just got here!" Derek said, grabbing my arm. Is he mentally challenged or something?

"Exactly! We just got here!" Christina said while Izzie giggled beside her. Note to self: Kill Derek.

"You guys probably have to go back to the know, work?" I said, trying to sound nice, but my eyes were shooting daggers at them.

"Oh no! Don't worry! Chris is gone we're free!" Christina said, way too happily. Why do I know this person?

"Chris is gone? How?" My boss from hell is gone? How the hell did I miss that? Right, Derek.

"You see, Chris just got married to some socialite, stinking rich with daddy's money. Anyway, she's actually older than Chris, and they got married. And that freaking bimbo, or angel from heaven, decided that the bar is too dangerous for her baby Chris sextoy to work at, so Chris gave up the bar. And we got it!" Izzie filled me in.

"And how did you pay for the bar?" I asked, still confused. Derek, meanwhile, looked like a five year old looking at a calculus question.

" save some money, I said some dark and twisty but completely fake stuff about Chris to the bimbo/angel, so she shut me up with cash!" Izzie said.

"And that bimbo's actually blonde, but somehow more stupid than Izzie!" Christina finished, just as Izzie slapped her arm.

"Okay, so what do we do now?" I asked as we sat down in the living room while Derek wrapped his arm around me. Somehow he had put a shirt on, I don't know when though.

"Nothing, anything!" Christina said. "Nice place!" She commented suddenly.

"Thanks!...Umm, Mark is probably gonna come by soon, so I'll be locked up in my studio." He said to me.

"Okay." I whispered, looking up to his smiling eyes. "Sorry." I mouthed to him, but he merely shrugged. He kissed me quickly before he got up and left us. I watched him leave and turned back to my friends.

"Details!" Christina ordered, sitting up straight.

"There's nothing to tell!" I lied, and even I can't believe it.

"Sure there is. Do you love him?" Izzie asked. When did she become so mean? I merely looked at her, hoping that she'll let me pass, then I don't need to answer.

"Yeah, you love him!" Christina decided for me. She knows me too well, kinda creepy.

"He kinda looks like the Statue of David." Izzie mused suddenly.

"But he'll have to be naked to look like Statue of David." Christina pointed out, laughing at me. I merely rolled my eyes, whatever.

Suddenly, the door was opened and in walked Mark. "Sorry Derek!...Karla, Cindy, Natasha whatever...didn't know that cuddle time only equals 60 seconds!...Hey, gorgeous!" He said, suddenly noticing us.

"Just keep on walking, Mark!" Derek said, coming out of nowhere.

"Huh?...Oooohhh, you've got a muse! I'll talk to you later, ladies." He said, smirking.

"Was that McSteamy?" Christina asked, shocked.

"He's Derek manager." I replied. The world's too small for its own good.

"You've got Statue of David and McSteamy?" Izzie asked, shocked and jealous.

"Just when I thought you're boring, you rise." Christina said.

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