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Mere's POV.

I love me big, cushy bed!! It's so comfy! I think I'll just hide here forever!...Derek, though he said he was too sexy to be ignored last night, gave me the room across from his and left me alone. Seriously, this nurse job isn't half as bad as I thought...I love me big, cushy bed...

I stretched under the cover and felt my hand hit something soft and warm. Oohhh!! Pillow! I stretched over and pulled it cloer to me, so I can snuggle into it. It's so light!....and so warm!! This must be what expensive pillow feels like! But when I snuggled into it, I realized how big it was. How come I never saw this life-size pillw when I came here? Whatever, I'm not complaining. Suddenly, I felt something soft and wet touch my mouth. It was slowly moving against my lower lip, then I felt it tug at my lip a little.

"Mmmmm...." I moaned out. Such a good kisser...WHAT???

I quickly opened my eyes and found myself staring into the most adorable baby blues I've ever seen. And those baby blues were smiling right back at me!

"Derek!" I screamed, gathering the blankets around me when I noticed that he had made his way under the cover too.

"Good morning to you too! Coffee will be ready in a few minutes." He replied with a smirk.

"How the hell did you get in here?" I asked, still staring at him in shock. Sneaky Bastard!!

"I'm Houdini...Mere, this is my house, I can go wherever I want."

"I sleep here!"

"Which is exactly why I'm here."

"Uuuuuuugggggghhhh...." I groaned into my pillow.

"Don't be embarrased, Mere. You're not the first girl to fall for my charms. Besides, you're more than welcomed to snuggle right back in." He offered, opening his good arm to me.

"I did not fall for your dirty trick!"

"Admit it, you want me." He whispered. I can feel the bed shift as he moved closer to me and pulled me into his arms again.

"No." I said, muffled in his chest.

"Life's too short for mistakes, Mere. Live, and let live." He whispered in my hair, his breath blowing a few strands.

"My mistake would be to even walk into the hospital in the first place." I said defiantly, looking up into his eyes.

"Mere..." He breathed out, filled with regret.

"It's just a game to you, isn't it? I'm just another "target" that means nothing to you when you "scored" right? I don't want to be your "target", Derek. I've been a "target" way too many times. I don't deserve to be one again."

"Mere, you have never been a "target" to me." He said, cupping my face. "I may be an ass sometimes, but you are not a "target." And you definitely do not deserve to be one. Never think of yourself like that, okay?"


"Mere...I'm falling for you."

So, what will Meredith say to that?? Hmmm....

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