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Derek's POV 

Finally, I can go home...home sweet home...And thank God I didn't break my leg, just a rib here, a rib there, some bruises, some cuts and a whole muble jumble of other crap. Yep, I'm good. Mere's boss turned out to be a lot easier than I thought. As soon as I said I was Derek Shepherd, he practically keeled over(sp?) and agreed to everything. I even got Meredith to get a bit more excited about the next few weeks...nothing I can't solve.

Mark is driving us back to my place, while he tried his usual tricks to get Meredith to go out with him. But Meredith was stubborn as hell and turned him down so many times, I think he's starting to doubt "the great Mark Sloan power." However, the funniest thing though was actually me. I keep on finding myself getting closer to Meredith. I don't know why though, probably because of her hair. It's so soft and it smells like some kind of flower, very intoxicating and addictive. I asked her about it, but she said that was her secret for life. Anyway, she's gotten used to me stroking and fingering with her hair all the time. Mark calls me a pervert, but to hell with him. This is my secret, and my drug, and I'm not about to share it with him anytime soon.

Now, Meredith's saying no to Mark for the...I lost count after we left the hospital. She's cute when she's fiesty. I wonder what she will say when she sees my place.

"Hmmmm....nice place." She said, as I watch her giving herself a tour of my penthouse.

"Glad you like it." I said.

"You know...mine is just down..." Mark started again. When will that idiot ever give up?

"Mark! One more word from you and I'll break your neck!" Meredith threatened, pointing her finger at him.

"Quit it, Mark. She's mine." I said proudly. Mere's my girl...she's mine...Crap! What the hell was that? Shit!

"Whatever, perv." Mark said with slouched shoulders as he padded out of the door.

"Bye freak." I called back.

I closed the door and watch Meredith returning from the tour upstairs.

"So...think you can stand this place for a few weeks?" I said, studying the way her eyes sparkled like emeralds as she took in her surroundings.

She sighed happily and said, "Well, I can definitely get used to the jacuzzi bathtub, the huge home theatre, the indoor pool, the closet that is as big as my apartment, the living room that's as big as the bar...but not too sure if I can stand the owner though."

"Well, young lady...the owner comes with the package, might as well enjoy him...I heard he's brilliant." I said, closing the distance between us.

"Friends. Remember, friends." She breathed out, seeing right through my attempt.

"Dammnit! You're suppose to fall for that." Why is she so hard to crack?

"Poor you...But I already made myself immune to both of you." She said, cupping my face.

"You say that now." I replied, trying to reach out and grab her body.

"Anyway!" She said, pushing me off. "There are rules to me being your nurse, us being friends or whatever this is."

"Rules? I thought you would join my pity-party, since I just survived a car accident, and we can be less stringent about things like rules."

"Number one! No flirting. I've got enough from Mark to last me a lifetime. Second, don't you dare try any stunt on me, that your sick mind came up with. And c, no giving me the McDreamy face."

"What face?"

"The McDreamy face. Doesn't work on me. I'm immune." She said resolutely, staring me down.

"Well...I can make you a romantic dinner, be all "McDreamy" and smoldering, and let you take it from there...for all we know, this face, and this body is just too damn irresistable." I finished. Bring on the "hard to get", Mere, cuz I will always win!

"Breaking rules one, two and THREE!"

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