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Meredith's POV



"Ms. Grey, you have to come to the hospital now. Mr. Shepherd had you on his emergency contact list."

"What happened to him?" I asked, panicking for some reason.

"He was in a severe car accident. He's now in critical condition."

"Okay, okay...hold on. I'll be right there." I said before I hang up. Why am I his emergency contact person?

"Hey Izzie! I've gotta go to the hospital!" I yelled over the crowd.

"Why! Are you crazy! It's Saturday night!" She screamed back, pointing at the full house.

"I know, I'm really sorry. Derek was in a car accident." I explained.

"And you say you're not in love! Go, and tell me later!" She said, shooing me out.

I quickly got into my car and sped towards the hospital. How can Derek be in a car accident? He wasn't even that drunk! And why am I called to the hosptial? Can't he get his friends to go? Why me??? He better be dying when I get there! I'm a bartender, not his freaking mother! And he better pay if Chris bitch at me!!

As I drove to the hospital, my anger kept on building. When I reached the hospital, I was ready to knock down anyone that was in my way.

"Where's McGrumpy?" I asked the nurse.

"I'm sorry, who?" She said.

"Derek Shepherd!"

"Are you Meredith Grey?" She asked me, a bit confused at my anger.

"Who else do I look like?" Okay, maybe that didn't technically make sense.

"Okay, Ms. Grey, he's in Room 3121."

"Thanks." I said, running to the elevator.

When I reached the floor, I ran down the hallway until I found the room. When I walked in, I was met by an empty bed.

"Derek?" I cried out, panicking. Oh God, I'm too late!

I began to walk around the hallway, looking for someone who might know him. A doctor approached me.

"Excuse me ma'm, who are you?" He asked, looking at my curiously.

"I'm...I'm here for Derek Shepherd...he...he...I'm" I finally stuttered out, getting more scared. Please tell me he's okay! Please!!

"Derek Shepherd... right, I'm the intern on his case. He's currently in surgery. And due to the damage, it would be a few hours before he will be out...You can wait at the waiting room if you want."

"Okay, sure." I said a bit shakily. Thank God! He's okay!

"He'll be okay, right?" I asked, still insecure.

"He'll be. Some of his wounds are quite extensive, but we have the best care here, so he'll be fine." He assured me with a smile.

I went into the waiting room, and began one of the longest wait ever in my life.

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