Chapter Twenty-four: Final Preparations

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"This is one of the older parts of the tunnels that we don't use very often. The areas closer to the city have electricity," Lana says.

"These go all the way through Glascoast?" Aurelia asks, and Lana dips her head.

"You've heard of Titus Pavonius?" Lana asks, and Aurelia rolls her eyes.

"One of our founding fathers. The architect of Glascoast. Of course I've heard of him," she replies, dryly.

"Well, apparently he had a fascination for secret passages and hidden tunnels. When he designed the polis, he included these as something of a passion project," Lana replies, ignoring Aurelia's tone.

"For one reason or another, most were forgotten or sealed off over the centuries, but there are a few areas that the Senators have re-opened for emergency getaways- the tunnels are the reason the Belvadosi selected such a modest estate, you know. But, as far as we know, they are unaware of how extensive the system is, and we plan to keep it that way," Lana explains.

"Did the pool house have one?" Aurelia asks, and Lana dips her head.

"Of course. We disposed of the body through it."

"How many of these are there?" Aurelia asks, reaching out to touch one of the walls. The coarse stone is damp beneath her fingertips.

"We are unsure. Many of the original buildings were torn down, built over, over the years. There are many tunnels with staircases that lead to nowhere. They are an endless labyrinth that we haven't even scratched the surface of."

"Why bother infiltrating the summit if we can just use a tunnel?" Aurelia asks, and Lana shakes her head.

"There isn't one leading into Polis Hall- believe me, we spent years searching. Remember, Polis Hall was one of the structures destroyed in the Great Fire two hundred years ago. They probably poured the new foundation over whatever tunnel entrances there used to be."

Aurelia hums in acknowledgement.

Aurelia tries to keep track of their path, but she soon finds that Lana was not exaggerating when she called it a labyrinth. They make a left, then a right, then another left, then enter a corridor lit with electric light and filled with doors. They take the third one on the left. By the second turn they make after that, Aurelia is hopelessly lost.

"How do you find your way?" she asks.

"Practice," is Lana's simple reply. "Here," Lana says, in front of a non-descript section of the tunnel, notable only for a small, chipped, circular carving in the form of a honey bee. Lana pushes on the carving, depressing it into the wall, and rotates it clockwise. There is the sound of a well-oiled mechanism clicking, and then the wall slides open.

Aurelia follows her up yet another cramped, steep, stone-carved staircase. The empty room Lana leads her into smells faintly of tea leaves and pastries. 

"Have a seat," Lana offers, gesturing to a sofa upholstered in sage green silk. Aurelia nods. A glance outside the window reveals the moat, coral-block walls, and multi-colored dome of Polis Hall, just across the way.

"Our appointment should be here shortly. When he arrives, we will review the plan," Lana says, and gestures towards the sofa again. Aurelia recognizes the gesture as the command that it is, and complies.

"So. You've said your goodbyes?" Lana asks, politely, taking a seat in a shark-leather armchair across from Aurelia.

"I've made my amends, yes," Aurelia agrees. Now that she is sitting still, now that there is nothing else to focus on, her chest feels tight.

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