Chapter 14:

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The Battle Of Hogwarts


nd may 1998.

The day everyone dreaded.

The battle to end all battles.
The battle in which many die.

No one would ever be the same again after this horrible day.

Hogwarts would never be the same again.

The wizarding worlds would never be the same again.

Families were torn apart and made to fight against each other.

Families split by death and disruption.

Everyone shall be tormented for forever.

The whole Lupin family fought at the battle of Hogwarts, including Arzaona.  Max started the fight on Voldemort's side though. But after a duel with Remus, they joined their true side. Rema's side.

Remus was killed right in front of Rema, Marek and Snow. Rema saw red and killed his killer. Snow tried to bring him back to life using necromancy and a sacrifice which is illegal. She was using herself as a sacrifice and failed. They both ended up dead. Moments later, Tonks was killed protecting Lola against a death eater. Within 10 minutes, Lola lost her brother, her sister and the ren of her child. She had lost everything in those 10 single minutes.

Dracona turned into her full dragon form to set things on fire and attack everyone which terrified both sides of the war.But being in dragon mode meant she didn’t know who died and how many people died until she turned back at the end of the war.

After the battle, the family was torn. They had lost too many friends and too many siblings to this horrific war.

As soon as she found out about her siblings, Dracona turned back into a dragon and flew off, disappearing from every map.

Lola was so broken and so out of it after the deaths, that she had to be put in St Mungo's for her own safety and the safety of others.

Rema also went missing after the war, she went to find her coven. She had a breakdown and couldn’t cope anymore and just needed to leave.

Lyall moved to Brighton with Raffiel to live as a muggle because she didn't want to live in a community full of war, death and the memory of everything that has happened to him and his family.

Dennis, Austin and Arabella stayed at Dennis's manner but they were never the same again. Arabella was even more scary with the knives she collected and treated people with.

Cassie raised Hope and Teddy on her own with the help of Andromeda.

Flora moved back into her childhood with Draven (who continued Hogwarts) because she couldn’t deal with living in Snow's house which is full of memories of Snow.

Max disappeared without anyone knowing where they were. They were haunted by everything that Voldemort had made them do. By all the killing they were made to do. By the battle of Hogwarts. Max often sits on the hill staring down at the quidditch pitch, only able to see it on fire even after it is rebuilt.

And Marek.

Marek restarted his 7th year as a werewolf. He moved into the striking shack to be cosplayer to his dead brother. He believed his life was ruined. But with all this, he still fell in love and got a boyfriend called Felix Nott, the little brother of Theodore Nott.

Will the siblings ever reunite again?

Will Dracona, Rema and Max return?

Will Lola get better?

Will Max and Marek finally meet?

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