Chapter 6:

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In January 1980, the 53 year old Hope and the 51 year old Lyall revealed that Hope was pregnant again and that they found out in October when Rema went missing. Though a few weeks after this announcement, Lyall and Hope were told some horrible news. Hope had contracted a horrible disease that could kill her if she didn't take the treatment but the treatment would kill the baby and by the time the baby was born, the treatment wouldn't work. Everyone tried to convince Hope to take the treatment but she refused. The baby's life was more important. So as the weeks went on, Hope got sicker and sicker. By the time Marek was born in June 1980, Hope was bed bound and spent most of her time sleeping. Jenny always refused to leave Hope's side.

A week after Marek was born, Dracona graduated from Hogwarts with the highest grade in Care Of Magical Creatures seen by any of the professors. After graduating, Dracona moved into her own place down the road from the Lupin cottage. 

On the 8th of July (a month before her 17th birthday), Snow finally convinced Rema to turn her into a vampire. Being a vampire only increased her Necromancy abilities. Remus said she was creepy though for being a necromancer. Rema also turned Dennis around this time too.

At the end of July, Rema made someone come back to see their mother because Hope wanted them back. Yes Rema had kept in contact with Max and forced them to come visit the family. However, a massive argument breaks out between Remus, Max and Dracona over Max's disappearance. In the middle of this argument, it was accidentally revealed that Max was a death eater. Max tried to explain that they were manipulated and told them all about Dumbledore taking their memories and wanting to use rema and then how Voldemort promised to protect Rema but now it's too late for them to leave. But only rema and Lyall believed them so they were kicked out again.

At the beginning of August 1980, Remus disappeared for three whole months and when he returned, Sirius no longer trusted him and they always argued because it had been revealed there was a death eater spy in the order.

In January 1981, Hope was announced dead.

The funeral was a lovely service. Every child but Jenny, Max and Marek, said something (even the 8 year old lola) and the wake was at Hope's favourite muggle pub. Jenny and Marek were too young to speak. Max didn't speak because Remus and Dracona refused to let anyone invite them or bring them along.

After Hope's death, Lyall became a wreck. He was always shouting. He drank even more. He hardly ate and couldn’t look after himself. Lola became more closed off from everyone after Hope died and read every single book in the house twice. Jenny wouldn't leave Hope's bed and was even more terrified of Lyall. Marek was only a baby. Because of all this, Rema offered to take all the kids in. So Jenny, Marek and Lola moved in with Rema, Dennis and the twins.

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