Chapter 4:

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hogwarts (part 3)

When everyone (but Rema) got back to Hogwarts September 1976, Sirius started dating tons and tons of boys in their year, the year below and the year above from all houses. Remus hated it. He still loved Sirius and wanted Sirius to be with him and no one else.

At Christmas, the rest of the marauders found out about Regulus and James. So Remus had to stop Sirius from killing James but Sirius ended up giving James the silent treatment for a whole 3 days before threatening to kill him if he hurt Regulus.

In March 1977, Remus found Sirius crying in the bathroom. After having a long talk with him, Remus found out Sirius thought he was broken because he was never attracted to boys or girls romanticly or Sexualy. Remus was upset but helped him realise he was Aroace.

In June 1977, James broke up with Regulus. However, Sirius didn't try to kill him because they all found out that Regulus had received the dark mark at Christmas and was now a death eater. 

In December 1977, Remus helped Lilly realise she loves James and helped her ask James out who of course said yes. Sirius didn't like this though because it meant he was losing his best friend. 

In April 1978, something back happened.

The marauders had angered Severus once again but this time Severus had a come back. He shot a spell at Remus (and Snow who was talking to Remus). A spell no one has ever heard of. All of a sudden, there was a pair of black dragon wings saving Remus and Snow from the spell. It was Dracona. She had lost control in her angered state. She goes to attack but Severus screams "You're a freakish monster just like him" before running off. It didn't take long before the whole of Hogwarts knew she was half dragon and the whole school somehow had photos of her in the forest with her wings out. From that moment forward, Dracona stopped hiding her wings and had them out at all times.

In June 1978, Remus passed his NEWTs and graduated hogwarts with flying colours.  

That summer Sirius and Remus moved in together. James and Lily got engaged and moved in together. Dorcas moved into the Mckinnon home with Marlene. Peter moved into a place on his own and Mary did too.

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