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6th June 1957.

The most wonderful date. 

The date that United to childhood lovers together in the bond of marriage. 

On the 6th June 1957, Lyall Lupin and Hope Howell got married and became Mr and Mrs Lupin. Some say the marriage was only because Hope was 3 months pregnant, that's not true. It was because they were deeply in love with each other. Being pregnant was just a plus.  The wedding was a beautiful flower themed wedding that mixed both wizarding and muggle traditions to honour both sides of the couple.  Hope wore a beautiful princess white wedding dress with her little sister, Arazona, as a bridesmaid in a beautiful pink dress. Lyall was wearing a black wizarding robe/wedding attire and his little sister, Lelia, was his best man….. Well best woman. Lyall thought it would be funny if his best friend was ring bearer so that's what he raffiel Kolgrim be.  All together the wedding was amazing.  

6 months later on the 2nd January 1958, Hope gave birth to a beautiful girl. The baby was named Rema Joanne Lupin. The oldest of the Lupin siblings.

Yep you heard me right the siblings and no I don't just mean the one you all know about who was born on the 10th March 1960.  Remus, who was born as Luna and a girl, isn't the only sibling Rema has.  Rema is the oldest of 8 children.

9 months after Luna was born, on the 26th December 1960, Max Lyall Lupin was born, making them and Luna Irish twins.  Yes I used them for Max because Max was born intersex and lyall and Hope decided to use they/them untill they tell them what their gender is because they weren't born with with one single gender. The next sibling was born on the 5th june 1962. She was called Dracona because of her little secret. Dracona was born with tiny dragon wings on her back that looked like tattoos when retracted to her back. After doing extensive research, Lyall had a theory that Dracona had inherited a recessive half dragon gene from the Lupin blood but he decided to keep it secret until she started to show more traits. Now onto the 5th child and the creepy child, Snow Olive Lupin. Snow was born on 8th August 1963 with a full head of midnight black hair. Snow hardly ever cried or laughed as a baby. She would just sit and stare at people creepily. 

I know. I know what you are all saying. "But writer you told us lyall have 8 children but you have only told us about 5". Yes I know but you will find out about the other children at a later date.  

Now no one really knows why the Lupin's have so many kids. Some say it's because it's a trauma response from Lyall having a horrible mother before growing up in an orphanage. Others say it's because Hope loves children. And some people think all the children were accidents and Lyall wouldn't let Hope have an abortion. However, these are all just theories and we will never know the true answer. 

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