Getaway Weekend

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It was a Friday afternoon and I was on my way to Kia's place. It was her birthday and myself and a couple of friends decided we had to make it a whole weekend birthday celebration.

The lodge we booked to spend the weekend was a couple of hours away, but I did not mind the long drive.

I truly appreciate time I get to sit with my own thoughts. That has however been a challenge these past few months.

I love Jodan, but I feel overwhelmed with all the pressure from my parents and from him.

Even though he would never admit it, he had control over me.

He influenced the way I dressed, the way I spoke, the way I looked and how I thought.

Somehow I knew I had to obtain these standards...

Of course Jodan could not join me for the weekend getaway, because he has been hiding in his home with as little contact with me or anyone for that matter. Drake also cut me off and it surprised me.

I am very worried, but Jodan bought a burner phone which he seldom calls me from.

At least once a day so that I knew he was still safe.

*April's phone starts ringing*

"Speak of the devil..." I said looking at my phone's screen.

I answered without any hesitation.

"Well hello there" I said excitedly

"Hey April, I will not be able to talk too long today. I am in a hurry." Jodan spoke softly.

I wondered what he meant with that? He cannot be going anywhere. Why would he compromise his life to go somewhere?

"Where are you going Jodan?" I asked sternly.

I was not in the mood to play guessing games.

"Drake and I are going to meet up with some people to clear my name. Everything is just a big misunderstanding. I'll explain it fully when you come back, but I cannot continue like this. I want to live my life and not spend it like a pussy in my own apartment."

I forgot to mention that I looked up most of the names he mentioned the other day. I could not find all of them but I managed to find some and the information that I gathered was that those men were very dangerous. They definitely should not be messed with.

"Jodan, I don't know if that's such a good idea. Have you thought about this carefully?" I know my chances of changing his mind is less than zero, but I do not feel comfortable with him going to these men and 'clearing his name' whatever that's supposed to mean.

"April, here's Drake. He's coming with me and he thinks this is a good idea too."

Jodan did not really give me a chance to say anything, he just handed Drake the phone.

"Aprilllll! I promise Jodan is safe! I won't let anything happen to him. He's my best friend." I'd have to be just as intoxicated as them to not notice the slur in his voice.

"Drake, have you two been drinking?" I ask very uncomfortable with the thought of them going to 'gang members' and 'clearing his name' whilst being drunk.

"Baby, I'm fine." Jodan says interrupting Drake.

The way he speaks to me melts my heart and all I want to do it be there with him, but I can't. Not only am I far away, but also because my parents thinks we're over and that I am no longer interested in him. Matter of fact. I'm madly in love with him.

"Jodan, you know it's not a good idea, but I trust you and it clearing up your name means that I get to see you more often then it's fine. But please sober up first."

I noted a gasp from their end. I guess they did not think I would say that, to be honest, neither did I. I truly don't want anything bad to happen to him, but I have to trust and believe in him.

"Thanks Babe, you'll be the first one I visit!"

Jodan and I say our goodbyes and after ending the call with Jodan I am left with a very unpleasant feeling. Maybe I should've tried to talk them out of it. What it Jodan gets hurt?

I truly tried to be happy and spend quality time with my friends, but honestly, there were only one person on my mind.

I wondered whether they were alright and what exactly they are up to.


The next day


I couldn't sleep much the previous night. Jodan never called me again and I thought of the worst case scenarios.

I wonder if I should give him a call?

My hands were shaking and I felt a bit weak. I knew it was because I was worried.

'Ring Ring'

I decided to phone Jodan. My mind and heart needs the assurance that he is safe.

"Yes, hello?" Jodan answers but it barely sounds like him.

"Jodan? Are you alright? I was so worried!" I exclaimed

"Why are you calling me April? You know better than that! I said I'll call you when it's a convenient time." I was shocked. He did not mean that. He couldn't.

"Jodan, I just wanted to know that you were safe." I felt like bursting out in tears, but pushed it back.

"April, breakfast's ready" Kia said walking up to me. She saw the concerned look on my face and even though I tried to hide it, I was already very weak from worrying the whole night.

I looked at her and pointed to the phone to indicate I was on the phone.

"Who's that?" Jodan asked sternly.

"it's just Kia" I said without hesitation.

"No it's not, I heard a male's voice!" Jodan said raising his voice over the phone.

"Mayve her voice is raspy from just waking up, but it's definitely Kia." I admitted.

"I know you're cheating on me. I know you're with a guy. Goodbye."

And just like that Jodan ends the call. My heart is pounding and it feels like my heart wants to jump out of my chest.

How could he say such nonsense?

Kia must have noticed the shocked impression on my face because she threw her arms around me and embraced me in a comforting hug.

"What did he say?" she asked after hugging me for what felt like forever.

I was too stunned to speak. I could not comprehend the conversation I had with Jodan.

"He said I am with a guy and that I am cheating on him" I said in disbelief.

"What? How could he even think that?"

I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. I felt very guilty for crying on Kia's birthday weekend, but I never imagined this could happen.

I am hurt, but that's an understatement.

I guess I don't have a choice, but to put another mask on my face and continue with my weekend. It's the least I could do, it's what Kia deserves.

Jodan is way out of line!

I know there are still many questions you might have, but so does April. Hopefully she finds out the truth soon.

Thanks for reading and supporting my story x

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