11. Home

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Yayyy another chapter after 37 fucking years I swear to god.


Travis POV:

Sal and I decided to just share his bed so we wouldn't have to fight or anything about who would take the couch and who would take the bed.

I flopped onto his bed, Sal was in the shower so I had a bit to myself. I mean technically I could just run home right now and not risk getting the shit beaten out of me again. But for some reason I didn't want to run, I wanted to stay with Sal.

I rolled over so I was lying on my side, I closed my eyes. I wasn't sleeping, just thinking.

Sal opened the door and walked in with a completely different outfit, he was wearing a black hoodie that covered half of his legs, it was pretty much a dress on him. He also had a pair of black socks that went halfway up his calf. He looked very.. comfortable?

"Hope you didn't get into too much trouble while I was gone." Sal chuckled. I scoffed as if I was offended. "So uhm what time would be the best time to take you home?" Sal asked. Oh yea, I forgot I need to get home before my father finds out or else I'm dead.

"probably around like 5 o'clock" 5 in the morning seemed like a decent time considering it's an hour before my dad wakes up. "Okay sounds good, I'll set an alarm." He said as he pulled out his phone.

He set 15 alarms for each minute, which seems way too excessive. Is he that heavy of a sleeper?

"Well we should probably head to bed if we wanna wake up that early don't you think?" Sal said. "Yea, I guess so." I sighed.

Sal turned off the lights and I moved over against the wall so Sal could lay next to me. I heard his mask unbuckling, he put it back on after his shower. Then it sounded like something was plopped in water, "What was that?" I asked. "It's nothing don't worry about it," Sal said, that's a bit strange but okay.

He rolled over to face me, I couldn't see much of his face because it was so dark. Sal sat up and grabbed a pillow that was resting at the end of his bed and quickly laid back down in his original spot.

He held the pillow close to him and shut his eyes for a moment. "Good night," he whispered. I chuckled "Good night to you too." I said. He leaned over and placed a small kiss on my cheek, My face felt hot. Luckily Sal couldn't see much of my face. He slowly closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

After a little while, I started to drift off as well. It was comfortable being next to Sal. Even just laying in his bed was nice, it smelt exactly like him, it felt like home.

This was nice


I don't really know What to say except thank you so so so much for the support and sorry for the painfully long chapter. I hope you enjoyed!

-author <3

Word count: 536

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