5. The note that started it all

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Hello! I'm sorry I was gone for a couple days, I decided to take some time to myself. I'll be getting back to writing though. Also we've reached 28 reads! It may not be much but It still means the world to me, I hope you're all enjoying the story. Stuff is happening this chapter so be prepared, anyway I hope you enjoy!!!


Travis POV:

I woke up to my alarm going just like any other day the only difference was my headache, I presumed it was from.. Last night. I don't usually get headaches though so this was new for me. It hurts, like a lot. But I deserved it more than anyone.

I did my usual routine, brush my hair, teeth, get changed, and make my father breakfast. I ate the excess food from what I made just to make sure I don't pass out again, yes that has happened more than once.

I headed out the door and waited for the bus to arrive, only this time I completely ignored Sal.


I walked into the school building and immediately went in the direction of my first class so I wasn't late, that wouldn't be a nice conversation to have with my dad now would it?

I headed to my seat to quietly sit down and get my things out for class, shit I forgot to put my backpack in my locker, oh well I guess.

Mrs. Packerton walked into class, "Alright I'll need everyone to get out your math notebook". She went on and on about math, I could honestly care less about what she had to say or what she was teaching.

I'm painfully bored and my headache hasn't gone away yet. So to distract myself I took out my journal, and no It's not a diary, those are for girls only.

(Not true!!!)

I wasn't even thinking about what I was writing until some kid leaned over to look at my paper. "Oooo, who are you writing about travis? I bet It's that freak Saaaally Face, you so have a crush on him!" the kid teased loud enough for everyone to hear except for Mrs. Packerton who was so engaged in teaching she didn't even hear.

I froze. He was right, it was about Sal. And he would for sure tell my dad if he knew it was actually for him. "W-what? No of course not, who could like that f@ggot!" I retorted. The boy just smiled, then he whispered to his friend "The preacher's son has a crush on that freak!" they both started giggling.

But maybe they were right, why else would I write about him, it wasn't even an angry note either. It was formatted as a love note. No what am I thinking, you're not a f@g Travis.

I turned around to glance at Sal, he was already looking so I turned away as fast as I could. I couldn't quite tell what he was thinking considering he wears a stupid mask all the time, what could've caused him to have to wear it all the time? From what I could see, his eyes were blank. He was definitely disgusted.


The bell had just rung signaling it was lunch. All throughout that class the two boys were giggling and talking about me.

I stormed out of the classroom to make my way to the bathroom. I was crumpling up the note on my way there.

I got in and immediately threw the crumpled note in the trash and headed to the last stall of the washroom.

I started to cry, why did I write that? I'm not a fucking f@g, being gay is a sin. It's not right.

Sal POV:

The bell had just rung but instead of going to the cafeteria, I made my way to the washroom in hopes to find Travis and maybe even talk to him.

I opened the door and looked around. Near the trash can, there was a crumpled note on the ground, it looked like someone had failed to throw it out. It wouldn't hurt to take a quick peek, would it?

"I know we don't really know each other. and you probably have your opinions of me. I thought maybe if I told you how I feel, things could be different. The truth is, I can't stop thinking about you... I'm crazy about you. I think you're amazing! but I know these feelings I have are wrong. It's not the way a boy should feel. Shame swallows me whole just writing these words. My father would kill me but I can't live in his shadow forever. I just -------------------------

(I didn't know what to do for scribbles)

I frown, was this from Travis? I push all of the doors open until I hear a sniffle come from the last one.

"Anyone in there?" I ask, "No duh, fuckwad. Buzz off!" he retorts, It's Travis. "Travis? Were you just... Crying a second ago?" I asked, genuinely worried. "Sally Face? I- No! What the hell? Can't a guy get some privacy?" he asks.

Travis POV:

Well shit, Of course, Sal, out of all people had to be in here with me.

"Why do you hate me so much?" his voice breaks, and my heart basically shatters into a million pieces just by that one sentence. "I- don-" I cut myself off, "Because you and your dumb friends are a bunch of homos! It's sick! It's not right! God will never love you! Why should I?!" I said immediately regretting it.

"You know we aren't all actually gay right? Except for Todd, Todd is super gay." he chuckled a little trying to brighten the mood. "But that's part of who he is and I think it's wonderful. He's one of the kindest people I know. How could anyone hate Todd?" he asked genuinely expecting an answer.

"Ugh!" was all I said before he started talking again, "Is your father pushing these beliefs on you?" I honestly didn't even know what to say to that. "Just because my dad is a preacher doesn't mean he owns me! I'm my own person!" I said trying not to start crying again.

"Yeah, but..." he sighed. "Well you just seem so unhappy, man." he started. "Are you sure your dad isn't putting too much pressure on you? I bet It's tough being the son of such an intense man," he said, he seemed actually concerned and he was not just pitying me.

"You have no idea what it's like," I mumbled, why do I have to be so goddamn rude. "I'm sorry, man." why was he apologizing, he couldn't possibly feel bad for me after what I've done.

"Don't feel sorry for me, Sally Face. I don't need your pity." dammit. "we don't have to be enemies you know that right?" wait what-? I didn't say anything. "I think under all of that anger, there's a good dude who's afraid to be himself," he said. I started silently crying again, "If you ever need someone to talk to or if you need to get away from your dad for a while, you can hang out with me." he said, he sounded happy but in a sad way.

"... Why- why are you being so nice to me?" It was an actual question. "I don't think you're a bad person, Travis." why though, why doesn't he hate me?

"You know, I don't really hate you... Or your friends..." it was true, I didn't hate him. I realized... It might actually be the opposite..

"I didn't really think so" he laughed a bit. It made my heart flutter. "I- I guess- well, I'm sorry I've been such an asshole. You didn't deserve that" Finally a normal apology.

"That means a lot to me, it really does" I wanted to explode at this point, but in a good way. "Thank you. And what I said about being here for you if you ever decide you want a friend, I meant that." Oh. My. God. I could simply pass away right here right now I swear.

"Don't push your luck, Sally Face!" I said jokingly resulting in a small laugh from Sal.

"uh- don't tell anyone about this or you're dead!" I mean so would I.

"Er, I mean just don't tell anyone about this, okay?" I said in a calm voice. "I won't, I promise," he said in an understanding sort of tone.

And with that, he was gone.

Maybe I like Sal fucking Fisher


Yayyyyy I'm done with this chapter, this was so much fun to write I swear. I know it's really bad but that's okay, I'm just writing this for fun. I would also like to point out this wasn't supposed to fully be canon, I made most of this up so don't come for me please :,) anyway I hope you enjoyed!!

-author <3

Word count:1487

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