1. Hatred

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Travis POV:

I wake up to my alarm going off, I groan and glance over to look at my alarm clock. It's 5:30 a.m, unfortunately since my father is a bitch I can't sleep in any later than 5:30 on week days or I'll get beat half to death.

I close my eyes for a few moment before deciding I choose life this morning. I get out of bed almost tumbling over at the sudden movement but I mange to stabilize myself before I fall. I walk over to my closet and grab my usual purple colored sweatshirt, jean type shorts, gray ankle socks, and my horrendous green converse. If I had a choice I would never wear this sort of outfit but my dad thinks it looks nice so it's pretty much all I have to work with.

I quickly get changed and proceed to walk into the washroom located just outside of my room to brush my hair, and teeth. I try not to look at myself in the mirror because I can't stand the very sight of myself, I look like I'm all skin and bones, It's gross to look at. Don't even get my started on the huge bruise surrounding my eye, thank my father for that one.

Once I'm done getting freshened up I quietly wall down the stairs praying to god I dont wake my father up.

I start making breakfast for my dad as quietly as possible, I made him bacon, eggs, and toast because that was the easiest thing I could think of. I plate the food as my dad is walking down the stairs dressed fairly nicely. "What'd you make me today Travis?" "Bacon, eggs, and toast sir." I replied trying sounds as genuine as possible. "Again!? Can't you make anything different for once." he scoffed, "Sorry sir, we're running low on groceries." I mumbled, that was a lie.

After father had finished eating I cleaned his plate and put it away. He had left for work not to long ago which meant I also had to leave to catch the bus. "Shit!" I said running out of the door making sure to lock it so my dad wouldn't beat the shit out of me later, god I hate him so fucking much It's almost unbearable. I made it just in time for the bus, I hopped onto the bus quickly and made my way over to the back of the bus where I usually sit. I sat on the window side and put my backpack on the seat next to me so no one would actually sit there, I'm not necessarily too fond of people.

After around 3 minutes of picking up other kids from their bus stop we eventually came across Addison apartments, that's where all the gross homo's live. Sal Fisher also known as sally face and his weird little friend group all got on the bus at the same time. The redheaded one with glasses, I think his name is Todd. Sat with his boyfriend Neil which just proves my point of him being gay, Sal on the other hand walked to the back of the bus where he usually sits which is the seat right across mine. His "friend" Larry usually sits on the window seat much like me but Sal sits on the seat closest to the lane which means he's closer to me and has the possibility of infecting me with his gay disease.

"Hey freak!" I said moving my backpack so I'm on the lane seat now, "..Yea?" Sal asked in a shaky voice. "Piss off Travis," Larry said angrily, I ignored him and paid more attention to Sal and his stupid pigtails and weird mask thingy. "Oh look your boyfriend is standing up for you how sweet," I said with a disgusted look on my face, Larry and Sal looked at each other for a moment before bursting into a fit of giggles. "Boyfriend?" Larry asked clearly confused, "He's not my boyfriend, he's the furthest from that actually. Larry is my step-brother so dating him would be all sorts of wrong." Sal said trying to explain with a calm tone. Stepbrother? I thought to myself before lunging at Sal pinning him against the seat causing Larry to stand up, "Don't talk back to me Fisher!" I yelled sending a punch across his face. "FUCK OFF TRAVIS!" Larry yelled pushing me back to my seat "What did he do to you??" Larry asked most likely not expecting an answer. "Nothing," I said under my breath, "Speak up dumbass I can't hear you!" Larry said visibly annoyed. "A LOT!" I yelled going back to my window seat, "You're so fucking pathetic, Sal has done nothing wrong and you still bully him and convince yourself he's done something to you so you feel the need to be aggressive!" Larry said while Sal was trying to calm him down saying that it was okay and that he wasn't hurt.

Larry was right, Sal has never done anything wrong to me yet I still bully him. It's mostly because of built of anger I have because of my dad, but also because I hate myself and don't know what to do about it so I try to make other people hate themselves just as much as I do. Sal has always been kind and caring yet I'm so mean in return. So why do I hate him? I know he's gay and that's a sin but he's never done anything directed towards me. god, I hate him. 

then again, Hate is such a strong word.


I don't know where this story is going to go or if anyone is even going to see it let alone like it, but I just like to write so I'll just wait and see.

-author <3

Word count: 968

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