9. Mask off

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175 reads!? Woahhhhh I'm completely loss for words, thank you all sooooo much. This means a lot to me. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!!


Travis POV:

Sal looked at me, his eyes were completely blank. "You want to see??? The only people that have seen are my dad, Ash, Todd, and Larry. Even they seemed shocked" he explained. I honestly just wanted to see his face, "I understand that but I promise I won't make fun of you or look at you funny, I know I'm kind of an asshole but that seems too far." I chuckled at the last little bit of my sentence.

"Are you sure-?" he asked, I nodded in response. "I-I mean if you REALLY don't wanna show me you don't have to." I jumbled my words a bit. "No, it's not that, I just.. You know what screw it," he said fairly loudly.

He slowly reached behind his prosthetic and started to unbuckle it. He slowly pulled the mask down to reveal his eyes, he looked away and closed his eyes tightly, then he let the mask go.

He was beautiful. I honestly don't even care right now, I can't deny how he looks. He had scars and some of the flesh from his cheek was missing which revealed his gums and a few teeth, a little bit of the cartilage on his nose was gone and his face was covered in scars. Yet he was still so fucking pretty.

I was staring in awe, "See I told you." he said. He was still looking away from me, "No you were wrong on so many levels, you're not ugly or anything like that! You're.. Pret- beaut- you- you look nice." I stammered.

He looked at me, he looked scared. "I wish that was true." his eyes were watering yet he wouldn't let them fall. "It is." I looked at him very firmly. God I just wanted to pull his face closer to mine.

He looked down and rolled up my sweatshirt to reveal all of the scars and cuts that covered my torso. He slowly traced the scars with his fingers. I think he was trying to change the subject.

He reached over to grab a cotton pad and the liquid stuff that stung like hell. He poured some onto the pad and wiped away the blood, he then grabbed bandages and wrapped them around me so the bleeding stopped. "Sorry for the inconvenience." I apologized, but he didn't respond.

Then there was a slight water droplet that landed on my pant leg as he was bandaging my torso. Was he crying? He quickly finished up and put the bandages away. He was looking in his lap letting his fluffy bangs hang in front of his face. He was holding his prosthetic in his hands as more and more tears kept falling onto the inside of the mask.

"Hey.." I said in a calm tone, he didn't respond. I held the side of his face and pushed it up so he was facing me. There were tears flowing down his face as he sniffed slightly.

It hurt to see him so sad, yet I've probably caused a lot of his sadness.

"Hey what's wrong..?" I asked him. "W-Well first my face, then second, everything that happened to you." he croaked in a raspy voice. "Don't worry about me I'm okay. And your face is wonderful!" I reassured him.

"N-No it's not!" he sobbed putting his face in his hands. I pushed his face up to face me.

I leaned forward quickly pressing our lips together. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. No no no I shouldn't have done that, that was stupid he's not fucking gay and neither am I, I think-? That's probably a lie.

I pulled away in a quick motion "Oh shit! I-I'm sorry!" I yelled, I didn't know where to go so I ran into the washroom locking the door behind me. "Wait-!" I heard him call, I didn't even care.

I slid down against the wall until I hit the floor, tears were already streaming down my face. Great just as I was becoming friends with him and then I go ahead and mess it up, guess I'm going back to being friend-less again.

Sal rapidly knocked on the door, "Travis let me in! We can talk!" he yelled. "Travis please let me in!" his voice was calm and sweet. "No, I messed everything thing up!" I sobbed quietly.

He stopped banging on the door, but I heard random shuffling from outside of the washroom. I heard something from the other side then the doorknob started moving. He was picking the lock.

I quickly stood up and tried to stop him but soon enough the door swung open revealing Sal, his face was stained with tears.

He leaped forward and pulled me into a hug. He loosed his arms a bit once he realized my torso. "I'm sorry." I managed to say. "No, don't apologize," he said in a stern yet calm tone. Why not? He should hate me now? Yet then again hate is such a strong word.

His face was buried in my chest and he seemed to have stopped crying. He slowly looked up at me.



Hiii, I have so many reads now this is unbelievable. I'm also not sure if this fanfic is moving too fast bc they've already kissed and it's literally the 9th chapter but who knows? Also 7 votes??? I didn't even expect anyone to vote. Thank you all so much, love you all and hope you enjoyed!

-author <3

Word count: 940

| &quot;Hate is such a strong word&quot; | - a salvis fanficWhere stories live. Discover now