"You can turn back now..." She said, "And keep your lives intact."

Plo Koon moved in front of Adaroo and said, "As if we could trust you to keep your word."

Ventress looked slightly pouted. "Mm, yes, you're right..." She picked up her right lightsaber and pointed it right at Master Plo. "But I can make it painless if you lay down your armaments... now." Her eyes suddenly shifted towards you, behind master Plo. As her eyes focused on you, so did the tip of her lightsaber.

You reached to grab your own lightsabers from the sides of your hip and went stand at your master's side, but he placed his right hand on your chest and lightly pushed you back behind him. You looked at him stunned, for him to meet your gaze and shake his head. "What are you-?" You said. You looked at his left arm which was still broken after the avalanche from earlier. Was he really going to fight her alone? While injured?

"How sweet, is he yours?" Ventress asked, while picking up her other lightsaber and pointing both of them at you.

"Go now. Find the prisoners and rescue them. I'll catch up with you." He whispered to you.

"They always start out so young." Ventress sneered while staring at you with a wicked smile. "Do you know how rare it is to slay a padawan?"

Ventress stood still with her lightsaber still pointed at you, her sadistic gaze on you felt like having a boulder dropped on you, making your legs tremble under the weight. Master Plo whispered to you again, "You get ready to run past her, I'll keep her busy until you are finished rescuing the hostages." Master Plo kept his right hand ready over his lightsaber.

"But your arm-" you said before he cut you off.

"Focus!" He said. "Focus on the prisoners! If someone doesn't help them soon, they will be executed! You have to be the one to rescue them now. You have to protect Adaroo and the troopers, while I protect you from her."

"Master-" This time, you were cut off by Ventress.

"Very common, actually. Padawans usually don't put up good enough of a fight. As duelist, I find that very, very disappointing. But their screams. Oh, their cries of pain and begs for mercy. My dear, it is a sound unlike any other. The most satisfying thing you will ever hear," Ventress said sadistically. "the pain of a dying padawan. It has been too long since I've witnessed it. Would you be so kind as to remedy me... boy?"

Ventress' words of psychopathy shook you to your very core and immediately tore down the confidence you had in facing her a moment ago. And her unbroken eye contact with you made your breathing ecstatic. Her gaze felt like daggers into your skull. You had never faced a sith before. Is this what they were like? For her to kill so many padawans without a shred of remorse made you feel nauseous and unsure about the path ahead, until Plo Koon guarded you with his hand.

"My arm won't be a problem, but both her's will be for you. You have to go, you can't let the prisoners die because of us. I can and I will fight to keep her busy so you can safely liberate them." He said. He looked down at you, "Bury your fear (y/n). I promise you, we will be fine. I will not let her lay a scratch on you." Plo Koon's gaze was the only one that you could focus on now. With his attention encapsulating yours, you felt a comforting warmth radiate throughout your being, replacing the cold shivers. The hand he gently placed on your chest felt like an impenetrable shield that not even the toughest force user wielding the most exotic lightsaber in the galaxy could break through. An indescribable feeling of security came over you and washed away the dreaded chills that consumed you from Ventress' taunting. Everything else suddenly vanished away in your mind. With Master Plo, you felt as if you were invulnerable. You could toss away your coat and the warmth would still remain in you, as long as Master Plo was there to be at your side. He was brave, he was kind, understanding, protective, and he wouldn't let anything ever happen to you. "Now get ready-" he said before she attacked suddenly.

Star Wars: Advent of The Hellwalker (Ahsoka x M! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now