Chapter IV - The UAC Has Come

Start from the beginning

"I do not blame any of you," Hayden spoke up. "for having ill will towards me. As the chief officer of the UAC, I ask first that in proper civility, you absolve my employees and co-workers of any suspicions. The fault is mine, and I rightly take that responsibility. They had no mind to our true intentions, I assure you that.

"true intentions?" One of the senators questioned.

Hayden turned towards the rest of the Senate and continued speaking. "They were merely following directions, directions that I issued to them as their superior. None of us expected this outcome to pass. Even so, as the lead scientist of the organization, I am prepared to wholly and effortlessly bear the blame for this catastrophe. I can see that I have understandably earned the mistrust of many of you, but please believe me when I say that I promise you, our research was NOT a prelude to an insurgency, it was a prelude to scientific revolution." Others scoffed and voiced their doubts at him quietly. "We never intended for this to happen. But I will make sure that the sacrifices suffered will not be in vain, if you will only trust me with your resources for just a little longer."

"PREPOSTEROUS!" A senator yelled out from his pod; others exclaimed their thoughts as well.

"Such nerve!"

"It's all a trick!"

"can't be trusted!"

"can't afford any more chances!"

"need to end this here and now before it goes any further!"

The senators continued exclaiming their disgust and doubts about Hayden until Amedda once again called out "Order!"

Palpatine spoke out sternly to the droid, "How richly bold of you to come here for your defense after being responsible for such a catastrophe, and ask for us to turn a blind eye. We generously provided you with your facilities, your scientists, your funding, leaving the methods of the research wholly up to you." He once again leaned forward over his podium with a burning gaze at the droid. "But we are not running a charity. We did our part, and you paid us back in calamity! And you expect us to give you a second chance so simply? Disregard all the lives that have been lost? I ask again, for your sake as a final chance of defending yourself, what could you possibly have to offer us? Why should we risk it all again?"

"What I have to offer you... is this." Samuel Hayden reached behind his hip and lifted up for the entire Senate to see the relic that he had taken from the Doom Slayer before putting him out of the way. Samuel grasped in his right hand a large key shaped object made of flesh and bone. The relic started formation with a large dark ovular ring on one end that was perpendicular to the main body of the object, talons potruded from the top sides of the ring, with two small skulls positioned on either side of the ring, and a slightly larger fanged skull in the center, the big skull also had a glowing spot on its forehead. Stretching to the bottom end of the relic was a twisty bone piece lined with glowing holes. And at the bottom was another bigger glowing point contained in the center of a fleshy mass. Underneath were two rows of small sharp teeth that pointed down and inwards like a triangle. More teeth guarded the sides of the relic, topping it off at the bottom with two bone seals closed up at the relic's tip.

Doctor Hayden rotated the relic in his hand so that the seals were facing up, the glowing points on the relic burned bright with energy, causing the seals to open up and suddenly a very large blade of red glowing hell energy, decorated with strange texts, sprung forth from the object. Everyone in the room gasped, some panicked.




Dr Hayden remained calm and addressed everyone. "Members of the Galactic Senate, We are no longer able to harvest Argent Energy like we once were. Our source of the power has been destroyed thanks to the ordeal that transpired on Kamino." He held out the object which glowed brightly with bolts of hell energy radiating off it. "But during the invasion, we acquired this precious relic. It is what we will use to continue our operation. It will save us from our famine."

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