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             "Papers are signed, as of today I am an apprentice to the council," I slapped it on his desk, his unpleased face just that as I grinned. "Now then, how shall we continue?"

          "... I'm surprised, you got both signatures," He hummed irritated, looking for something to say that I couldn't but he wouldn't find it. I had been extra careful. How unfortunate."

         "For you, yes, now, I would like to discuss my schedule as a part-time student," I walked around his desk and hopped up on it, earning a more than disgusted look but before he could say anything I flicked my wrist up and the bracelet lit up. The horrid thing dictating my life popped up for the both of us to see.

          "... I will discuss this with your professors," He glared, moving the paperwork away from where I was seated.

         "One more thing, you see, as an apprentice, I believe that I should be given a different uniform, you know, so as not to embarrass the lot of you," I fluttered my flashes at him leaning closer while he leaned further away.

          "You wish to be a Perfect? You?" Let's pretend he didn't mean that as an insult because at this moment he does not have the ability to insult me. "Regardless, you are a first-year, there has never been a Perfect under year-three, even then it takes an exceptional student to become one at such a young age,"

           "So you, as well as the other council members, are accepting a student that can't even be considered exceptional as an apprentice? How irresponsible." He shot me an irritated glare at that but quickly looked back at his paperwork. "I mean, I am just the third person to summon a holy beast, the youngest of them all, I simply created a dragon with my magic, and have apparently brewed two well-regarded war potions," He let out a loud and exasperated sigh before looking at me again.

         "Will you leave if I allow it?"

         "Yes!" I chirped hopping off his desk.

          "Fine, I will also get you a new uniform, however, I will warn you that being added midterm will only result in hostile reactions from those who actually worked to become Perfects. It will be clear to them how you achieved such a status," He didn't even look at me while he said it, a grin pulling at my face as my hands slammed into his desk again, making him jump and look up.

        "Are you worried about me? Aw! I didn't know you-"

         "Get out before I change my mind." I was out in a second.

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