7: The Fight Within

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"Oh, but...I think she might..." Pyrrha began.

"Blame you? Not at all," Pietro said. "She thought the whole thing must have been an accident. My Penny doesn't hold a grudge. I'm sure she'd like to tell you that in person, in fact. I'm glad you're alive also. Perhaps that whole incident was blown out of proportion after all? Though I think the General believed it was bad."

"So not just Pyrrha, but Penny is also not dead?" Jaune said. "Wow...what a day... So she'll be okay, then?"

"As long as nothing else happens to her," Pietro said.

"That's good news." Pyrrha wiped tears away from her face. "I'm very glad to hear it. You don't know what it was like when I thought..."

"I think I can imagine it," Pietro said. "You're not the only one who felt responsible for what happened... I still don't know how those hooligans hacked our servers..." He clenched a fist. "But things can be rebuilt. The perks of having a robot daughter, I suppose."

"You and your robots," Maria sniffed. "Stop crying, girl. It's all right now, isn't it? You kids are all so emotional."

"Who are you again?" Pyrrha asked her.

"I was the Grimm Reaper," Maria said. "Now I'm just Maria."

"Wait, I've heard of you." Pyrrha's eyes got huge. "You were the Grimm Reaper? You're a legend!"

"I'm a disappointment, same as everyone else around here, it seems," Maria said. "Don't look up to me. I still don't understand how this is all possible."

"Pyrrha, do you think we should make sure the others are okay?" Jaune asked.

"Yes, excellent idea," Maria said. "Knowing them, they're already in trouble."

* * *

In fact, they were a little late.

Jaune rushed out anyway, just in time to help kill one Grimm and then immediately get caught by the police.

Pyrrha would have been right behind him, but Shine and Wally had seen the whole thing and they stopped her.

"Sorry, but you can't get arrested, honey," Shine said. "Can you imagine what would happen?"

"We can't just let them be taken," Pyrrha said.

"Relax, they'll probably call Ironwood and get this sorted out," Shine said. "We just need to follow them. But let's wait longer than this... Dang it! We didn't get a chance to tell the others not to tell Ironwood about you."

"Perhaps they won't anyway," Pyrrha mused. "I don't think they want to. But now what?"

"You're welcome to wait with me." Pietro had caught up. "I could try to make a call to Atlas and help sort this out."

"Can we have dinner first?" Wally said. "This cold is giving me a huge appetite."

* * *

Actually, the others weren't nearly as sure as Shine that things would be okay. The Lamp had been taken from them, and they were in the back of a police car/plane.

"What do we do?" Ruby hissed.

The only other person in the car was one talking about someone named Robyn (who must have been running for a government position, from the sound of it). No one paid him that much attention.

"Guys, what about Pyrrha?" Jaune asked. "She got left back there."

"Good," Yang said saltily.

Team JNPR looked at her in annoyance.

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