By the time I returned the fire was blazing and a pot with tea leaves was on top of it. I poured some of the water I collected into the pot while filtering it through a cloth.

"I usually go for another round of fetching water, while the tea brews."

"Let's go then."

Adrianus got up on his feet, carrying both empty buckets and walking towards the stream. I followed him smiling.

"I never thought the King would fetch water."

"Neither did I, but for his lover, I guess he makes exceptions."
He remarked and I couldn't help, but smile. An entire butterfly garden erupted in my stomach at his endearment, and I smiled completely joyful for the entire walk to the stream.

I placed the bucket into the flowing stream, as it quickly filled up to the brim. I was filling the second bucket when I unexpectedly sneezed. I lost my balance, as I fell forward towards the stream. Luckily my arms reached out for the water's base but, I definitely got wet.

My dress adorned large splashes, as did my face, arms and hair. Another sneeze escaped me, as my body shook. I was scared to stand up, as my hands prevented me from falling in and getting fully drenched.

Adrianus bellowed laughter at my state and I scowled. I should have not stayed out in the rain for that long, I thought.

"Will you help me or continue laughing?"

I questioned but didn't get a reply. After several moments passed in silence, I wondered if he left me in this state. Suddenly a large arm snaked around my waist and lifted me into the air. I was out on my face as I huffed and turned to face Adrianus.

His eyes scanned my face and body, as he blocked his mouth with a fist. His eyes shone with laughter and chuckles escaped his lips.

"Oh, that's it."

I mumbled before scooping water from the stream and splashing him with it. He jumped back, although the wet splashes were evident on his white shirt. I was in mid laughter when a number of sneezes escaped me.

"That's enough of playing with water. We don't want you to worsen your sickness."

"I'm not sick."

I cringed at my voice, as it sounded easily from my clogged nose. Only I can have the luck of falling sick right after I confessed my feelings.

Adri carried both buckets of water, while simultaneously wrapping an arm around my waist. I rested my heavy head against his warm chest and walked to my hut.

"I'll bring you a cup of tea while you change into something dry and rest on the bed. Wouldn't want you getting more ill."

"It's nothi-"

I sneezed again and Adri rolled his eyes before gently pushing me toward the entrance of my home. Begrudgingly, I walked in and changed into a dry dress, while allowing this dress to dry in the sun.

True to his words, Adrianus returned with two cups of tea, one for him and another for myself. I greedily drank it, as it coaxed my throat.

"I have to go back to the kingdom, but I'll return by nightfall. I'll bring some stew to help you and rest until then."

"It's just a common cold."

"You're flushed cheeks say otherwise. If not for yourself, please do it for me so I can work somewhat peacefully knowing you are resting."

He bargained and I sighed. My head felt heavy and sleeping in did seem like an enticing idea.

"Very well. I'll sleep and try to rest."

"Thank you. I'm going to leave now, soo I can return as soon as my work is done."

I nod my head smiling. He leaned down to kiss my lips, but I pulled away.

"I don't want you to fall ill as well."

"As you stated, I survived wounds covered in dirt and who knows what else. I doubt I'll catch this cold and if I do I doubt it'll kill me."

He said before swooping down for a kiss. I welcomed it and cupped his cheeks. It was him who pulled away first, as he smiled at me. Leaving a kiss on my forehead, he walked out the door.

True to my words, I lied down on the bed but sat back up when I heard the door open. Adrianus strode in with a pot full of tea.

"In case you are thirsty."

He stated, leaving the pot by my bed. I thanked him before he kissing my forehead and walked out the door. And this time I didn't hear him return, as I succumbed to my tiredness.

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