We reach the bottom and enter a giant busy marketplace.

I immediately grab my sister's hand.

I am very protective of them and can not lose them in a busy place like this.

"Come on, let's move to a less crowded area." I pulled all three of them into an alleyway.

"Holy cow, that is the most amount of people I've ever seen in my life," Janae says. She looked a little scared so Oliver pulled her closer to him and put his arm around him.

She was right, none of us had ever seen this many people before. There were probably hundreds if not thousands of people here.

"So what's the plan now?" June asks.

"Well, I brought this," I pulled out the full diamond pocket knife I took from our weapons room. "I plan to sell it and buy us a place to live."

"Oakley? Isn't that father's knife? He will be furious when he finds out." Janae says.

"If he finds out Janae, which I promise he will not find us here," Oliver says.

I was really hoping that he was right and that father will not find us here.

"Well, I need to go find a place to sell this. I don't think it would be wise for all four of us to go walking around together because identical quadruplets are really rare and we don't want to draw attention to ourselves so Janae why don't you come with me and Oliver and June stay here?"

"Yeah that works." Oliver agreed.

"Okay but you two better be careful and stay out of trouble don't leave this alley and don't you talk to anyone." I was telling them.

I really didn't want to leave them here alone but I also couldn't risk us getting caught. 

"Oakley I promise we will be fine. You know I won't let anything happen to us." Oliver said seriously.

I knew he was right. Oliver could fight and I knew he was just as protective of June as I was but I also worried about him.

"Please be careful Oliver. Don't do anything stupid and stay hidden." I told him as I pulled out the pocket knife to sell and my own sword to take with me. I planned to leave the rest of the weapons with my brother.

"I will don't worry, now you better get going before all the shops close."

He was right we needed to get going but this was difficult.

The four of us have never been separated before. We have spent every second of our lives together and now we were about to split up for the first time ever in a busy city.

I hugged my sister and told her to stay with Oliver, to be careful, and that I loved her.

I then linked my arms with Janae and the two of us headed into the busy marketplace.

"Stay with me, Janae. Do not let go of me." I told her as soon as we stepped out.

We moved through the crowd. Looking for some sort of merchant who I could sell my knife too.

We were walking down the streets and pushing through people until I saw an antique store. 

"There," I pointed, "I bet we can sell this there."

We moved towards the store and looked into the glass. It had so many expensive-looking items, family heirlooms, jewelry, and furniture lined the inside.

I opened the door and Janae and I headed inside.

No one else was in the store but us and the old man who ran the store.

Paying the Priceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن