Chapter 4

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It was calm. I knew I died. I'm kinda happy that I did. I was floating in the air when I heard a female voice. Something in me was telling me that it was my dead mother whom I wanted to meet my whole life.

I turned around to see her and I was right. She was the woman that I saw long ago in my fathers purse. I found myself smiling and tearing up at the same time while she came and gave me a tight hug.

"Hi ma", i said looking at her

"Hello Yamini" she said smiling at me

"Where are we?" looking around i asked out of curiosity

"At peace" she simply replied

"How is your father?" she asked

"As far as i know fine but he must be grieving now that i'm dead." i said

"Hmm" she said looking unhappy

It was silent. I didn't talk and neither did she. It was sorta awkward.

"Wait, does he still sing those awful tunes and songs while bathing?" she said trying to lift the mood

"Oh yes he does! All the time! The neighbors always complain you know" i said remembering my childhood days

And we started talking for I don't know how long. She told me all about her childhood and how she married my dad. Different consequences in her life and how she had me.

The obstacles she had to face while she was pregnant with me and how at first she couldnt see my face properly because it was pitch black. When candles were brought near me she thought that I was the most beautiful baby she ever saw. She told me EVERYTHING.

And I did the same! I told her each and every memory that I could recall. I told her about my childhood without a mother and how my father did a great job as a single parent. I told her about my friends and my hobbies and finally I told her about my marriage.

I told her about my pregnancies and abortions. I started sobbing when I remembered those kids me and my husband's family killed. My mother sympathized with me and comforted me.

I told her about the doctor who revealed the baby's gender before its birth and got bribed for that cruel work. I hated that person.

I told her about how I had to obey my in-laws orders and how I had no choice.

I hated aborting my kids. I knew I would go to hell for the sins that I committed. I deserved them.
'But they deserve it more than you do' she said which made feel at ease.

After I calmed down, I noticed my mother, she was grinning looking up. Like she was talking to someone. Just when i was about to ask her what was up tiny hands grabbed my dress and hugged my feet

I looked around to see a girl toddler grabbing my legs tightly.
"Mamma" she said looking at my face

She looked like a fusion of mine and my husband's face. I was puzzled and looked at my mother for an answer. But she remained quiet. More hands hugged me. All were girls, some of them were almost my height.

I looked at all of them after they let go of me. The tallest of them all looked like a female version of my husband. She looked at the other kids and organized them according to their....height/ age.
One of the girls looked like me and the rest also looked very familiar. There were 5 girls. I thought about my babies who would have been just like these kids had they been alive.

"They ARE your kids Yamini" my mother said like she heard my thoughts. I was dumbfounded

"B-but how? I-it can't be" i said as my voice broke

"Well not in this world exactly but in a world where they weren't aborted"

"Hey mom!" the tallest said. "Hi honey". I said hugging her and all the girls.

"Mommy is so so sorry for what she did to you, my babies. I should have been strong and protected you like a proper mother does."

"It's okay mom, please don't cry. It's not your fault, you know. We forgave you long back so don't cry about it now." one of them said

I sobbed even more seeing how my babies understood their mother so well. "I love you. All of you!"

"I think our time is up mom. We gotta go" the tallest aka my oldest girl said

"Already?" i asked

"Borrowing these few minutes was only wayy past our limit mom so yeah. We love you and we always will mom. No matter what." she said and all my 5 girls hugged and kissed me goodbye

"How could we ever do such a thing to those angels" i said to my mother after they vanished

"Well it's one's fate which will make them take such decisions and it's the responsibility of karma to balance those decisions" she said

"Karma huh?" i ask her

"Yes honey every action has its own reaction you know.Everyone involved in the murder of an unborn child in your family will face the consequences and that unfortunately includes you too." she said

"But the punishments they will get are far worse than yours as they not only committed huge sins by ending an unborn child's life, they broke a bond of mothers love and they did all of this wantedly and knowingly." she continued

"We have nothing to do here now. We have got to go to Yamini. Let karma finish what they started." my mother talked all this time i was silent.
She led me to a door which led to the unknown.


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