Author's note

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 *First of all, thank you for giving this story a chance and I promise I won't disappoint you guys.

 *This is my third story in Wattpad still You have to remember few things before reading.

 *English is not my 1st language hence there are ups and downs. If you find any grammar mistakes, please mention in the comments.

 *Positive feedback is always welcome. Don't spread negativity.

 *This story is completely based on my imagination if you find any similarities with names of the characters or any incident is purely a coincidence.

 *This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

* warning: this story contains sexual harassment, depression, panic attacks, usage of drugs and so on... So if any of these things triggers you, then please feel free to leave.

 * If you can't handle my story by any means, then you can leave, but don't leave negative comments here... I am telling you, negative comments will be directly deleted.

 * let me clear you another thing... Please don't promote your work here on my comment section because it can effect my readers. I will delete such promotion comments directly without intimation.

 *I don't appreciate plagiarism...  Create your own work instead of stealing others hard work. In other words this shit is mine so don't even try to touch my shit...

Aadhya- The Phoenix's Fury.Where stories live. Discover now