Love is stronger then the Ocean's Currents

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"Marina no, please don't go!! Stay with me!" Gill said as he scooped my head onto his lap. "Gill-" I couldn't get the words out as I was still in tremendous pain. "How could you!" Gill yelled to my dad. "I was only doing it to protect her!! I didn't think this would happen-" I heard my dad say as he started to break down into tears and started apologizing to me under his breath nonstop. "How could you do this to Marina?! You killed her! Not with spears and nets, but with hate!!!! HATE!" Gill shouted at my dad. My dad was unresponsive, just upset that I am now possibly passing all because of his cruelty. The whole town seemed to have noticed the whole commotion and came to see what was up. The first thing they noticed was Cuthulu's marks from where it had landed due to my grandma stopping our dads' fight. The towns folk started threatening Gill with harpoons and nets once they saw him holding me. "let go of her you monster!" People shouted, as I was almost out of it my dad stepped in. "Enough! All of you! It's not Gill's fault Marina is dead, it's mine" hearing him say this everyone started a murmur and were asking how he could've killed his own daughter. "She jumped in front of the harpoon as I attempted to strike Gill and now look at her, he said pointing to the harpoon that was pierced through my stomach. "It's not harpoons and nets that people use to kill, it's hate!!" My dad said as his voice became shaky. "And you people and your hatred has now lead to the death of an innocent granddaughter!" My grandma said as she stepped in and started crying. "You know, people do crazy things, when they're in love" I said looking up at Gill "Marina? How are you still-" I took Gill and I kissed him on the lips before my final breath, everything then blacked out. I woke up in a hospital, with my dad and grandma by my side. I still had that striking pain in my stomach due to the harpoon but it was less. "Marina! Your okay!" I heard Gill say as he placed a hand on my cheek. My vision was still blurry but quickly adjusted to see Gill's teary-eyes face. "Marina I thought I'd lost you forever" Gill said in a broken voice as he placed his forehead on mine. "Oh Mia Bella Marina I'm so sorry I did this, I got so caught up over you being with Gill I didn't have any self control on what I was doing anymore. Hate is and can be powerful if you let it take control" My dad said while holding my hand "but love is always stronger" I said in a groggy voice. Hearing me say this Gill got emotional and kissed me on the head. Just then the doctor walked in. "Is Marina gonna be ok?" My dad asked as he ran up to the nurse. "Yes she will be just fine. she's lucky the harpoon didn't pierce her heart! but we'll need to keep her in the hospital for a few days, she's perfectly alright! We just need to make sure she's looked after due to the state of condition she is currently in at the moment" the nurse said to my dad. "Oh thank goodness you will be alright Marina!" My grandma said stroking my hair out of my face.

𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒'𝓈 𝒶𝓈 𝒟𝑒𝑒𝓅 𝒶𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒪𝒸𝑒𝒶𝓃Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon