Ti amo

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As I took Gill's hand, schools of fish surrounded us into a circle and pushed us together till we were almost squished! It was awkward. We danced and danced, he twirled me around multiple times. I felt like a princess. As he song reached the climax, I was planning on kissing Gill right when I heard; "but we're so in love." Right when the moment came, I built up the courage and I pushed my face up against his and kissed him. I blushed a lot knowing that his lips were on mine! He seemed to be surprised because he wasn't expecting that at all but he became comfortable and then wrapped his arms around my waist. This gave me major butterflies!! I still couldn't believe this was happening. The kiss lasted for a while until we both let go. I felt like I was just on cloud 9. We danced for the rest of the song until it was over. "I don't think you know how long I've been wanting to kiss you for" Gill said to me. "Really?" I asked in shock knowing that he also liked me back, (as if that wasn't already clear enough when he kissed me back)

Gill's POV:
Perfetta by Ed Sheeran came on. As the song started to peak at it's climax, Marina kept staring at my lips. I think she wants to kiss me!! I want to kiss her back, but I'm not sure if!-oh my gosh, She just kissed me! This can't be happening!! This is a dream. I kept thinking to myself while she kissed me. I was tensed up but then calmed down and placed my arms gently around her waste, she was such a good kisser.

Back to Marina's POV:
"I love you Gill" I told Gill as I felt for his hand to hold. I felt a blush creep onto my face as I heard myself say that. "I love you too Marina" I heard him reply. Hearing him say this made me smile big. I placed my hands around his neck while he cupped my cheek and we kissed again. I'm happy he loves me as much as I love him. "But wait? Oh no!! My dad! What would he do to you if he found out??" I said not noticing I said this out loud. Gill calmed me down and reminded me that we still have the spell. "Marina calm down! We still have the switching species spell remember?" He said softly trying to calm me down the best he could while taking out and showing me the spell jar. "Ohh that's right" I said remembering the spell and looking at my tail. "Also, I should probably get back to being human!" I said "but wait! Don't you wanna meet my dad? While your still a mermaid you can come and meet him!! You see my dad is Cuthulu, and doesn't get much visitors. He would be delighted to have you over!" Said Gill "but what would he do if he found out I'm not a mermaid? Like what my dad would do if he found out you aren't a human!" I blurted out into randoms words not even knowing what I was saying out of fear. "Marina you need to stop worrying, it's gonna be alright" Gill told me as he took my hand and kissed it. His words comforted me and calmed me down. I just wish our dads would stop caring so much about what we look like!! It doesn't matter at all!! Besides, I don't care that Gill's a fish, and he doesn't care that I'm a Human! We both love each other for who we are inside.

Sorry this chapter was a bit short!! The next one is gonna be much longer, and it's gonna be hilarious!! Trust me!! :)

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