An Interspecies Spell??

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After breakfast I told my dad I was heading out again. "Alright Marina!! Just please be careful this time!! I don't want to panic and have to look for you again" he said kind of angrily. "Ok papa!! I won't!" I replied while quickly running out the door. I needed to go find Gill!! I can't let these close calls keep happening!!! I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to the bay where me and Gill always met at. "Gill? Gill? Ugh, where are you Gill Correnti??" I said starting to get frustrated as I was unable to find Gill. "Marina!! I'm over here!!" I heard from my left, I turned to look and saw Gill waving his hand up and down in my direction, "Gill! There you are! Why are you always so hard to find?" I said while placing my hands on my hips and walking towards him. I knelt down near the water to his level "why are you always so hard to catch?" He asked me lowering his eyelids, he always new how to trick me into making me blush. "Gill, the reason I wanted to talk to you is because...we can't keep having these close calls, how many times have you almost been caught? What are we gonna do!" I said suddenly bursting into tears. Gill was surprised to see me crying like I was and quickly comforted me "Marina please don't cry, it's gonna be alright! Trust me" he said wiping the tears off of my face. "I have an aunt who works with magic, and she has a few spells that I think could maybe help us!!" He said "really?" I said smiling "yes! Cmon let's go!" He said while about to guide me into the water. I reminded him that I was human and couldn't breathe underwater as I pointed at my legs "oh, yea, barnacles!!" He said frustrated. "Wait, I know!! Here, take this" he said while handing me a necklace with seashells and pearls on it. "Oh, Gill it's beautiful" I said taking the necklace. "You can keep it! It's a gift from me. It gives you the ability to breathe underwater! It was specifically created for humans like yourself!" He told me. "Now, andiamo!" He said as he yanked me into the water, I freaked out and held my breath, but then I remembered Gill told me the necklace would allow me to breathe underwater, so I slowly took a breathe and just like that, it was just like breathing above water! Its just that the "air" just felt wetter! Gill lead me into the deeper part of the Mediterranean. It was gorgeous. There were fish of all types everywhere swimming through the beautiful turquoise tinted water with sun rays shining through it. There were clown fish, sword fish, starfish, scorpionfish, and sharks-wait, SHARKS?? I got startled seeing a shark swim below me and clinged onto Gill like a sloth on a branch. "Marina it's okay! The sharks don't hurt merfolk! In fact, we can actually train them!" He said just before he called out to the shark "huh well this certainly isn't like the little mermaid at all" I thought to myself remembering how the shark chased Ariel and Flounder. Gill called out to the shark who's name was apparently Sofia. "Sofia!! Come here girl!" He called out to her like calling out for a dog. Sofia swam over to us, she was honestly a very pretty great white!! She smiled when she saw Gill, but as she turned to me, she chirped something that I couldn't make out. "I can't speak shark" I said, but Gill seemed to know what she was saying "But I can!" Said Gill, Sofia said she likes your eyes!! Gill told me "why thank you Sofia!! Can-can she understand me?" I asked turning to Gill. "Of course she can!" Gill replied "well, we better get going, thanks for coming to see us Sofia!" Gill said to the young adult shark. She made a sound which I assumed was a thank you. I watched her swim away happily as more species of fish came up towards me. none of the fish seemed to care that I was human!! I was so busy admiring the bright and beautiful colors of the ocean's beauty that I didn't even notice we were already at Gill's aunt's lair! I hesitated at first being scared at the sight of her lair, with shark jaws & spikes coming out of the entrance. "It's ok Marina, she's really nice! I'll protect you" he said as he pulled me closer to him, I got butterflies from this. As we entered, I got the overwhelming whiff of seaweed & dead pufferfish stench. "Eww" I reacted. "It always did stink in here" Gill said as he noticed my reaction. We approached what seemed to be a door of some sort. Gill knocked on it while saying "Auntie Ida? It's me Gill!" "Gillie Willie? Is that my favorite nephew?" I heard a scratchy voice reply. "Come in! Come in!" She replied as the door suddunley swung open on its own. Gill quickly took my hand and we went in. I looked around and saw jars with dead fish in them and shells. I then felt something slimy rap around my ankle, I looked down to see what it was and to my surprise, it was an eel! "AHHHHH" I screamed as I shook the eel off of me and swam over to Gill, Gill seemed oblivious to what could've been the stimulus causing me to react like this. "Oh Bianca!! Get over here you pesky thing!" I heard the same scratchy voice from earlier say, "I'm so sorry, Bianca can be a bit clingy to new customers" she said while grabbing Bianca and the eel wrapping around her arm like a scarf. "So what brings you here Gill?- OH MY STARFISH IS THAT A HUMAN YOUVE BROUGHT WITH YOU?" She asked while noticing my legs. "Yes, but don't worry! She's a good one!" Gill replied to Ida while guarding me. "Oh, ok then!! What's your name darlin?" She asked me while swimming over to me. I was able to get a better look at her, she reminded me a little of Morgana from the little mermaid 2 but a bit bigger boned and muscular looking. With an anglerfish tail and sharp-quilled fins. "I'm Marina Conchiglia!" I replied holding out a hand for her to shake, she confusingly looked at my hand wondering why I was doing this kind of similar to how Gill reacted when I did this to him. I then said "it's called a handshake! You go like this!" I then demonstrated how a handshake works with my other hand, she started doing it with both her two hands, "no! With my hand!" I said as I took her hand and placed it in mine as I shook her hand, while laughing a bit due to her humorous mistake. "Ohhhh I see" she responded. "I'm Ida by the way! Nice to meet you amore!" She said to me, I politely smiled back at her. "Now what are you here for again darling?" She asked Gill. "Oh! We were actually wondering if you had one of those spells! Ya know one of those..ugh..what did you call it? Where you can switch back and forth between human and fish!" Gill said trying to think of the spell name. "The interspecies spell?" Ida replied with out giving a thought to what it was called. "Yes! That's it!" Gill said as he snapped his fingers. "Well, I should have it here somewhere" she said while swimming up to a shelf with many bottles of all shapes & sizes. She kept searching for a while until she finally came across a round bottle, with a swirled design on it which appeared to have sea foam green-colored liquid inside of it. "Here, take this! All you have to do is drink a tea spoon of it and it will turn you into the opposite form!" She said to me and Gill while handing me the bottle. "Yes!" Me and Gill both said as we high fived. "But there are rules, if you don't refresh the spell after 24 hours, you will turn back into your original form" she warned us. "Okay!! We got it!" Gill replied not paying attention much to Ida but more focused on the powerful spell we were just given. "Bye darlings!" She said to us as we swam out the door, "bye Ida!! And tell Bianca I said goodbye too!" I yelled out to her while turning around to face her. Right when I said Bianca's name the little eel came swimming out of a tank and rapped around Ida's right arm. She waved the tip of her tail up and down which I assumed was her way of saying goodbye, her adorable wave made me giggle. I then caught up with Gill as we made it back up to the surface.

Sorry this chapter is a bit long!! I kinda just make this story up as I go, lol. I guess this time I just kind of got carried away and kept writing!! I hope you all like the story so far! Please stay tuned!! :)

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