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Jack couldn't take his eyes off Iz. She looked incredible and he felt like the luckiest guy in the world to be able to call her his. He saw the way the other blokes looked at her when she walked by, and instead of feeling any jealousy he just felt overwhelming pride. She'd interviewed a few of them about who they were and what they did, and why the charity they'd agreed on was important to them. Jack was still waiting for his interview, but he hoped it would be behind closed doors. Seeing her in work mode was turning him on, and he was glad he'd put his jeans back on. They were less likely to give him away.

The shoot had gone on for hours. They only had today to take the photographs so had to get them all finished. Anna was going to spend the evening editing them and then would send them over to Mason's girlfriend, who was going to turn them into a calendar. She was then going to run it by Jack before sending it on to the printers. He couldn't quite believe it was all coming together so quickly, he owed his friends a huge thank you. He'd have to figure something out, maybe throw a little party or something when they had sold a few copies. He had other ideas of ways to thank Iz, and was counting down the minutes until he could take her home.

He'd been pretty busy trying to co-ordinate the shoot. Some of the lads had been less keen to strip off fully so there'd been a few sets that needed re-working. Between helping out Anna and moving equipment around, he spent every spare second he could with Iz. Claire had never been one for public displays of affection but with Iz, he couldn't help himself. He could finally kiss her, and hold her, and just be with her in the way he'd always wanted. He wasn't going to waste a moment.

They were finally winding up now and John was helping Jack move a pasting table into one of the guy's vans. "Well that was an experience", John said. "I know mate. Felt like we woz on the set of the Full Monty", Jack laughed. "Hope we raise a bit of money out of it". John nodded at Nat, who was talking to the electrician. "Think you'll sell at least one copy". "Thanks for letting us use the hall bruv, I owe you one". "No problem. You and Iz then, you're going for it?". Jack smiled. "100%. I'm in love with her mate, think I probably always have been. If I get my way, we'll be married before you and Mel". "Honestly Jack, I'm made up for you both. You look the happiest you've ever been. Don't mess it up yeah? She's like a sister to me. Plus Mel would chop your balls off". Jack shook his head. "And I'd deserve it too."

They loaded up the van and headed back inside. Mel and Iz were chatting in the corner, so the boys went over to meet them. Jack put his arm around Izzy's shoulder and kissed her on the top of her head. He felt her hand on his lower back, just under his t-shirt, which she then moved round to his waist. She stroked his skin with her thumb. He loved all this new contact between them. It felt so easy, so right, he guessed because they were already so comfortable around each other. There was none of the uncertainty you normally got in a new relationship. 

"You two fancy going for a drink or something?", John asked. "Err", Jack replied, looking at Iz. "Thanks but no. Long day. Need to get home", she replied, digging her nails into him as she said it. Thank fuck for that, Jack thought. "Oh right. Ohh right. OK. See you Saturday then?", John replied, as the penny dropped. "Yep, see you Saturday.  Cor wait!", Jack said, as they turned to leave. "Have a good night", Mel shouted after them, wickedly. "Just need to check in with Nat", Iz said as they walked towards the car park. Jack hung back to say goodbye to a few of the lads and thank them for their help, as Iz spoke to Nat. It looked like she'd hit it off with Kyle the electrician. He was a good bloke.

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