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Jack woke up freezing cold. He was disorientated and couldn't figure out where he was at first, until he felt Iz's arm across him. She looked so peaceful and he didn't want to wake her, but he needed to warm up if he was going to get back to sleep. He carefully lifted her arm up and shimmied off the bed. She sighed but stayed asleep and turned over, now facing away from him. He was still wearing his jeans so shook them off, then lifted the cover and got back into bed. There was something so intimate about sleeping with someone, not just having sex but actually falling asleep with them. You had to be really at ease to be able to that, really comfortable with the person. Jack wrapped his arm, now under the duvet, around Iz's stomach. She instinctively moulded herself against him, fitting like the piece that had been missing all this time. "Jack..?", she said sleepily. "Still here bab, go back to sleep", he whispered. She'd kissed him, properly kissed him. This was big, it meant something, and Jack wasn't going to mess it up. He nuzzled into her neck, taking in the smell of her shampoo and immediately started to feel warmer. He fell back to sleep with his girl, feeling more relaxed than he had in months.



"Arghh turn it off!", Isobel groaned, as Jack scrambled for his phone. "I'm buying you one of those alarm clocks that wakes you up with the sun, I can't stand this". He pressed snooze, then thought better of it and turned it off. "C'mere bab", he said, and pulled her back into him. "Glad you didn't puke on me in the night". She jabbed his stomach with her elbow. "Ow! Someone aye a morning person eh?". He squeezed her tighter in an apology and kissed the back of her head. He wanted to wake up every morning like this, wrapped up with her.

She rolled over so she was facing him, his hands now on her back. "Iz, last night..", he said, not wanting to ruin the moment but needing to know where he stood. "Jack I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you in an awkward position. If you want to forget it happened then I understand". Her arms were around his waist now, twisting his t-shirt around her finger. She couldn't look at him. "Do you want to forget it happened? Cuz I don't". There. He'd said it. Cards on the table. It was now or never. She looked up at him. "Of course not". He smiled and taking one hand from her back, lifted her chin so her lips could meet his. He kissed her, feeling his heart beating out of his chest, not wanting to forget this moment. "Iz, I want you more than I've ever wanted anything in me life, and trust me, its killing me to stop meself, but I need to deal with some stuff first." She looked at him and nodded. He didn't want them to start as an affair, although his heart had belonged to her for a long time. "Can we just say like this, for another minute?", she asked. She ran her fingers through his hair, tracing his jaw as she moved down to his lips. It gave him goosebumps. He kissed her fingertips and put his arms back around her. "How about two?".

He didn't want to get out of Iz's bed at all, but he knew he had to. He wanted to catch Claire at home and talk. The sooner he did it, the sooner he could get back here with Iz. He gave her one last squeeze and then rolled out of bed. "Jesus Jack, what a view to wake up to", Iz said, looking him up and down. He'd forgotten he was just in his boxers and t shirt. "Oh yeah? Like wot ya see?", he said, as he bent over to grab his jeans from the floor, wiggling his arse in the air as he did. She poked him in the bum, making him leap in the air. "Oi! None of that bab!", he said, now eying her suspiciously. Iz couldn't help but laugh at him. "Served you right you tease". She got out of bed herself and stood in front of him, arms around his neck, reaching up to kiss him on her tiptoes. "I could get used to this", he said, as he wrapped his arms around her. "Good", she replied, as she moved her hands down to his lower back, just above the curve of his ass. "You're killing me, Iz", he groaned, as he kissed her again, slowly, savouring her.

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