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What a day. Jack and Mason had spent all morning removing an old bathroom and fitting a new one, and now they were having their sandwiches in the van, parked up on the customer's drive.

"Nice area this innit?", said Jack. "Wonder what kind of people live around here? Harry types I reckon, accountants an' that". "Yeah you're probably right, you know you've made it when you can get more than one car on the drive eh?", replied Mase.

"Got much planned this weekend?", Mason asked. "Nah not really. Told Claire we'd do whatever she wanted, figured I need to get her in my good books before next weekend.. dread to think what she's got planned". Claire hadn't been keen when he'd told her the gang were all going out next weekend, and that it was going to be a messy one. He wasn't planning on going home afterwards, thought he'd be better off staying at someone else's. He hadn't actually arranged that yet though, figured he could probably just go with the flow on the night. "I can't wait mate. It's been ages since I've seen everyone, other than you and Dec. The girls are all back too ain't they?", Mason said, "although bet you see Mel and Isobel all the time anyway". "To be fair I hadn't seen Iz for ages until last night, she had a problem with the boiler. Actually mate, I said I'd go round one day next week to give her a service, do you mind doing my last job on Wednesday?". Mason grinned, "Sure mate, make sure you give her a proper servicing though yeah, the full works". Jack punched him on the arm. "Shut up Mase, you know what I mean".

He hadn't stopped thinking about Iz all day. He was so glad she'd called him yesterday, he'd had such a good night with her. And her face this morning when she'd caught him in just his kecks... She'd been embarrassed, sure, but there was a need in her eyes that he hadn't seen before. He wasn't stupid, he knew the effect he had on women and of course he played up to it, but he didn't think Iz saw him like that, not now anyway.

Claire was in bed by half 8 these days because for some reason, she was waking up at 5am. It sounded backwards to Jack, but then again he'd always been a night owl. The time they actually spent together was getting less and less. Maybe that's why they weren't arguing. They weren't getting the chance to irritate each other. He had been getting bored in the evenings and because he'd promised John he'd give Iz some space, he'd started going to the gym. There was a 24 hour one nearby and he liked how quiet it was at that time of night. He'd run there with his headphones on, spend an hour using the equipment and then walk back. It gave him time to think.

He'd always played 5 aside with some of the lads, he was on a team with Mason and Dec, John sometimes joined if they were short of men, and he was physically fit because of his job. Going to the gym had changed his body shape though, he was bulkier and felt stronger. He's noticed his clothes were starting to feel a bit tight, and his legs were looking more like tree trunks. That was probably why Iz looked so taken aback. She hadn't seen him in a few months, and certainly hadn't seen him half naked in much longer, so he guessed it would have come as a bit of a surprise. Maybe he was overthinking the way she'd looked at him after all.

Mason interrupted Jack's daydream by scrunching up his sandwich foil and opening the van door. "Will follow you in", he said. He'd had a missed call from John this morning so he thought he should probably return it. He might be on his lunch break now too and if he wasn't, well at least he'd tried to call him back.

He answered on the first ring. "Alright JS, jealous I spent the night with someone other than you are ya?" "Very funny Jack. Just wanted to catch up. Your story checks out so I guess you're off the hook. Good night was it?" "Wot story? You been gossiping about me behind me back?" "Isobel messaged Mel. Just be careful mate, I know you've both got a history but I don't want to see either of you getting hurt."Iz messaged Mel? Wot did she say?" "Nothing damming, don't worry. I've got to get back, class starts in a few minutes. Speak to you later yeah?"

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