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Well this wasn't what she had planned for today. Mel and Isobel were wrapped up warm and huddled at the edge of the pitch, watching John, Jack, Mason, Dec and one of their other friends, Ben, running around chasing the ball. They were enthusiastically cheering every time one of the boys got near it. They were one step away from making up their own little football chant.

"You should have seen his little face Isobel, when John mentioned your name. He turned into a right sap. I think he'd have cried if I said you weren't coming". Isobel laughed, but she knew that look well. He had it every time he turned up at her door, looking for sanctuary. "I'm glad I came, this is fun! Not helping my thirst levels though.. Jack's shorts are obscene". Isobel couldn't believe her eyes when he walked onto the pitch. She was fairly sure her jaw had dropped at the sight of him. The team had their own personalised kit, and the dark green of Jack's top looked like it had been created just for him. It complimented his dark hair and tanned skin perfectly, and added hidden depths to his eyes. They were all wearing matching black shorts but Jack's must have been a size smaller, they were shorter and tighter than the others. She was sure that if he overstretched, they'd split. His thighs were straining underneath them, so strong and so thick. She couldn't help but lick her lips at the sight of him.

The girls watched as John ran downfield with the ball, signalling to Jack to get ahead. As quick as a flash, Jack was there, reaching the ball and hurtling towards the keeper. With one powerful kick, he shot it into the top left corner, what a goal! The others all ran towards him and piled onto his back, whilst Jack searched for Isobel. He pointed towards her and winked, making her blush all the way from her tips of her toes to the top of her head. Fuck, he was sexy. Was there anything this man couldn't do? Mel squeezed Isobel's arm, having seen the cheeky gesture from Jack. "Boy's got it bad", she said.

Isobel felt a sense of pride wash over her as she watched Jack get back into the game. She paid very little attention to anyone else and just kept her eyes trained on him, picking out every little move his body made. He was a work of art, and his confidence and focus just added to his appeal. Every so often he'd catch her eye and she'd beam back at him, making him laugh as he ran after the ball. She was fangirling, hard.

"OHMYGOD look who it is!!", Mel shouted over the noise of the match. Isobel looked over to where she was pointing and screamed. The boys all turned to look at what the fuss was about as the girls abandoned their post and ran to the gate by the other side of the pitch. "ANNA!!!!!", Isobel shouted, running with open arms. The three of them fell into each other, giggling uncontrollably. "What are you doing here? I thought were in Iceland until Thursday?". "Changed my mind, missed my girls", Anna said as hugged them both. "How did you even find us?", Isobel asked. Anna showed them her phone; she'd got the 'find my friends' app and there they all were, little pins gathered in the same spot. "I thought I was missing some kind of orgy when I saw you all together, bit disappointed it's just a football match to be honest. Who's winning?". They linked arms and walked back to their position. There were only a few minutes left until half time and the boys (from both teams) were desperate to come over and say hello.

When the whistle blew they all strolled over, covered in a sheen of sweat. Isobel was sure that Jack was releasing some kind of double strength pheromones as she was feeling downright feral. She had to stop herself from running into his arms and dry humping him there on the pitch. As he reached her, he slung an arm around her shoulders and kissed her head. "Enjoying the match bab? Didn't realise you were such a fan of the beautiful game", he grinned. "Neither did I", she replied, wrapping her own arm around his waist.

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