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Jack's eyes were black with desire, staring up at her as his lips worked his way down her body. He reached her belly button, and dipped his tongue into it, making her squirm. His hands were on her hips, trying to hold her in place. He grinned up at her, knowing that he was driving her wild. He continued his slow descent, savouring every second. His stubble brushed against her thighs as he worked his tongue towards her clit, finally hitting exactly the right spot. "Mmm yes Jack, that's it, right there, uhhhhh". His fingers moved onto her thighs, gripping them tightly whilst giving himself leverage and access, as he delved deeper. "Jack please, I'm gonna come!". She grabbed his hair in her fist, guiding him further, working him harder, until she reached her climax, screaming his name.

"JAAACCCKK", Isobel suddenly woke up, feeling disorientated. It took her a minute to realise she was alone, and that it had just been a dream. It had been so vivid, she could still feel the imprints of Jack's fingertips on her legs and his breath on her most intimate parts. She smirked at the realisation that Jack had made her come twice without even being in the room. She hoped that she wasn't putting him up on a pedestal, not like he needed any more of an ego boost, but that had been incredible.

She lay there for a bit longer, not wanting to scare the dream away. He'd been the last thing she'd thought about before she fell asleep, and now here he was, occupying her mind again. He'd even infiltrated her subconscious. She was becoming downright obsessed. She picked up her phone to read his message from last night again. It had been the perfect end to the perfect day.

-1 new message-

Dan: Hi Bell, hope you're OK. Are you around today or tomorrow to grab a quick coffee? Would be good to talk. Let me know x

She sat up. Uh oh. She already felt like Dan was a lifetime ago, had it only been last week? What could he want to talk about? She thought their breakup had been pretty final, and with everything that had gone on with Jack, she was fine with that. She even felt a bit guilty actually, for moving on so quickly. He probably just had some stuff to give back to her, she'd left a toothbrush and a few hair grips at his. She hadn't really had chance to process their breakup properly so maybe it was a good idea to talk it through. It couldn't hurt anyway. They had been together for 6 months after all, it wasn't like it had just been a few one off dates. She might find out what she'd been doing wrong.

Isobel: Sure, I can meet for coffee today. 1ish alright? There's a Costa by my office, if that works.

Dan: Perfect, see you later x

The kisses at the end of his texts were a bit jarring. Maybe it was just a habit. She decided to think nothing of it.

Isobel opened Instagram, planning to do a bit of idle scrolling before having to get up. She had a few notifications and had been tagged in some photos. Anna, Dec and Jack had all put up a picture from yesterday. Jack had captioned his "Can't beat a roast with your broskis!". Isobel laughed and rolled her eyes, but liked the photo all the same. She posted the same photo on her own page and simply captioned it with a heart. She loved that one of all of them together, just missing Harry and Nat. She was looking forward to seeing them both this weekend, it had been ages. She continued scrolling and Claire's latest post came up. She hovered her thumb over it, and carefully clicked onto her profile. No harm in having a little look. Her photographs looked professional, nothing like Isobel's own candid and often blurred shots. She could tell that she'd posted quite a bit over the weekend, the shopping trip had obviously been part of a job rather than just a couples day out. She'd been out at some make up event yesterday too and had written a long post promoting a magical mascara. It looked good actually, Isobel was tempted. There weren't really any of her and Jack, not lately anyway. That made Isobel feel equal parts happy and sad, it all seemed so fake. Or maybe it was intentional, she didn't know how much time they really spent together, outside of what Jack had told her, and she knew he wasn't keen to be in her posts. She was creating an image and maybe Jack just wasn't part of it. She quickly shut down the app before she accidentally liked a post from 6 months ago and exposed herself as a digital stalker.

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