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Isobel groaned as she was rudely awoken by some kind of alarm. Was it coming from a car or something? It sounded like it was in her house, could it be the fire alarm out of batteries again? She checked the time on her phone, 6am, still practically night time, urghhhh. She rolled out of bed, feeling a bit worse for wear, and grabbed yesterday's hoodie to throw over her pyjamas and went in search of the mysterious beeping.

As she walked down the stairs she suddenly remembered. Jack. He came into view now, fast asleep and oblivious to the phone buzzing on the table. How was he sleeping through this!? It had woken her up through a ceiling and a door, yet he couldn't hear it going off right by his head? No wonder he was always late. She quickly tiptoed down the rest of the stairs and dived for the phone, cancelling the alarm. Silence, blissful silence.

She turned to look at Jack, sleeping peacefully. God, he was beautiful. His floppy hair fell in curtains around his face, framing it perfectly. It was normally pushed back with gel or a hairband, and she'd always thought that nobody could pull that look off other than Jack. His lips were parted slightly in a pout, and now that the alarm had stopped she could hear him breathing heavily through them. She could see the freckle on his top lip and had an overwhelming urge to kiss it, so much so that she took a small step back to stop herself. How ridiculous, she thought to herself.

His left arm was raised above his head, showcasing his firm bicep. He'd definitely been working out, you didn't get a body like that from just doing some manual labour. Now that her eyes had adjusted to the darkness she noticed his duvet had slipped down, exposing the top of his chest. Even in this relaxed state he looked toned and fit. She wanted to run her hands across his collarbones, up to his neck and through his hair..

Get a grip Isobel, she thought to herself. She was getting turned on just looking at him. She certainly didn't need this right now. As if he could hear her thoughts (or did she say that out loud?!), Jack opened his eyes and said, "Morning Iz, how long have you been watching me ya little creep?". Even his voice was sexy. Low and gravelly, heavy with sleep.

"Your alarm woke me up you idiot, I don't know how you slept through it!", Isobel said as she whacked him on the arm with a cushion. "Fock, what time is it??", Jack said as he leapt up from the sofa and grabbed his phone off the table. "Iz it's only just gone 6! I'd got three snoozes left!" "Seriously Jack? Your alarm has been going off for 5 minutes!" "It's all part of my morning routine bab, I need to be woken up gradually otherwise I get eye bags".

It was then that she realised that Jack was stood there in just his boxers. His tight, black, boxers. Without even realising she was doing it, she stared at the bulge in his underwear, open mouthed. She felt herself blush. Of course, Jack noticed her reaction and just stood there with arms crossed. "You look a bit flushed bab, everything alright?", he said with a smirk. "Just a bit hot. Think the heating must still be on the blink". Jesus, he looked like a Greek statue, an Adonis. "I'll put the kettle on", she said as she practically ran to the kitchen. She could hear him laughing in the living room whilst he searched for his clothes. She'd seen him half naked plenty of times when they were younger and he'd always been fit, but this was something else. She wasn't going to be able to get that image out of her head for a while and banked it for later use.

She filled up the kettle and flicked the switch, hoping the noise of the water boiling would drown out Jack's laughter. Smug bastard.

She made him a cup of tea in his favourite mug, the one with the puppy on it, and made herself a coffee with plenty of sugar. It was her only vice. She'd tried to cut down to two spoonfuls but had cracked within a week. She needed caffeine but coffee was too bitter for her, the sweeter the better.

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