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Isobel closed the door behind Jack and leant against it, taking a minute to absorb everything that had happened over the last 24 hours. She felt like she was floating. He'd called her the one, had he meant it? Or was it just something that he'd said, without really thinking. She hoped he'd meant it. He was her only one, she knew that now, and she'd make sure he always knew it too. No more keeping things hidden. This had the potential to be something incredible, and she vowed there and then to do everything she could to make it work.

She missed him already, even though he'd been gone all of 30 seconds. She wanted to text him but he'd be having a difficult conversation, at least she assumed he was. Isobel decided she'd wait to hear from him today, she didn't want to interrupt anything that was going on. She'd see him later anyway.

She understood why Jack had held back this morning, but it hadn't been easy. It felt like they'd been working up to this point for years, but especially over the last week. The tension had built and built and if his kisses were anything to go by, he was going to destroy her when he finally had the chance. She broke out in goosebumps at the thought. The photoshoot this evening was really going to test her willpower.. Jack, half naked, posing in front of her for a couple of hours? It was going to be torturous.

She couldn't wait that long for a release. She needed it now. She walked back upstairs and into her bedroom, already close with just the thought of him. He'd been here, in her bed. She could still feel his presence, see the indent his head had left on her pillow. Thank god she had some polo mints in her bedside drawer, although she'd have still kissed him this morning. No amount of morning breath would have stopped her. She dived on to her bed, quickly grabbing her favourite toy as she kicked off her underwear. She switched it on to the lowest setting, she wouldn't need much help today, and moved it into position. She thought of his lips, soft but firm, on hers this morning. She remembered the way his abs felt underneath his t-shirt, as she snaked her hand across them. She pictured his cock, already straining against his underwear, pleading to be freed. She replayed the moments over in her head, taking them further in her mind where she needed to... they hadn't kept under control, they'd spiraled. Hands, lips, tongue. He'd kissed her neck, her chest, her nipples. His fingers exploring her entire body, inside and out. She kept going, arching her back, thinking of all the ways he'd please her, and she came undone, again and again, thinking of him.


Isobel was curled up on the sofa with her laptop, putting together a framework for her story about the calendar, when her phone pinged.

Nat: Guess who's just pulled in to New Street Station?! 📷 [photo]

She opened the photo, seeing Nat's beaming face, the platform in the background behind her. She grinned. Her girls, all back together! And sooner than she'd expected, thanks to Jack's Handyman Hunks. She was itching to tell them all about this morning but didn't want to spill over text, and she wasn't actually sure whether Jack and Claire had broken up. She hadn't heard from him. Maybe he hadn't done it yet... She hoped he could still do it today, she didn't think she could stand another night away from him. She cringed when she realised how heartless that seemed but she didn't care anymore, she'd waited long enough.

Mel: Yay! Back to the homeland. Can't wait to see you!

Isobel: I'm working from home if you want to come here first? Can head over later together then.

Anna: 💋

Nat: Yes sounds great! I've got lunch with an old colleague but I'll come by after. See you soon!

That gave her a couple of hours to work on this job and finish off a few other things. Her phone pinged again.

Jack: Can't stop thinking about you ❤

The Chances You TakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora