Have faith ..

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It was another usual day of Ruchiparvan along with his mother and brother in the ashram of Guru Parshurama . Abhimanyu and Ruchiparvan practising while Parshurama being strict with them and Subhadra engrossed in cooking .

"Parvan.." She called her youngest as he turned towards his teacher asking to leav for a second when Parshurama nodded his head in approval .

"Can you please go and fetch some water because their is no more left here.." Yadavi says handing her son a pot .

"As you wish , ma .." saying so the boy went away towards the lake which was at a little distance from ashram .

Humming himself a tone Ruchiparvan sat down filling the pot with water and thats when he saw something shinning on the ground and he looked at it suspiciously picking it up .

It was a ring! "But why does it seems familiar?" He thought and thats when the  boy remembered .

"Maa's ring?!" Astonishment filled him as he examined the jewel .

Till now Savyaschi reached the place huffing as fear filled him It was 3 days before that he found Subhadra ' s ring . The same ring he gifted her on the day of marriage .

Finding her ring in this forest scared him thinking what she was doing here or what if she was in any danger anxiousness  wasn't leaving the third Pandava . 

It didn't mattered if he was angry or upset with her from the past few days all he wanted was her safety .

"Hey boy! That is mine!" He shouted from a little distance as Ruchiparvan's back was facing him .

It didn't took much time for the son to recognise his father's voice for a second he was overjoyed but then Abhimanyu 's words rang in his ears "He doesn't cares for us , all he car for is his revenge!"

And now he was rigid to follow his brother's instructions . So getting up Ruchiparvan thought to himself 'Dont let your mask fall!'

The next moment pulling himself together he ran followed by Arjuna behind him .

"Sorry to interrupt you all..but King Dhritarashtra has asked all of you to summon for the royal feast." Interfering in between a maid spoke up as Abhimanyu stopped narrating and everybody glanced at te maid as if she was their enemy .

"We will be their in no time ..You many leave.." coming to the poor souls rescue Chauredh spoke up as the poor soul bowed and left hurriedly .

"Brother please continue na!" Bhargavi wines .

"Yes manyu, please!" Lakshmanaa said joining her sister .

"Listen. I think we should attend the feast first and about continuing .. none of us are running away so we can continue the story later .." Abhimanyu reasoned as he got up from his couch and started to leave followed by others .


"You know sakha when we got married everybody including brother Krishna told that we were meant for eachother but all it took was just an incident to shatter everything we had!" Stating her agony a few tears threatened to fall from Yadava princess' eyes .

"Sakhi! Please dont cry .. sometimes misunderstanding takes place and that happens in every relationship but trust me it will b cleared very soon!" Assuring his friend Shwetansh stated .

"How? When he isn't even ready to listen me so how shall I make him understand everything? He doesn't trusts me anymore! I am no good!" Sighing under her breath Subhadra covered her face agonized .

"Shubhi! Calm down you are overthinking and dont you dare neglect yourself like this..when nothing works just have faith in the  almighty." Shwetash replied as the last line hits her well .

Have faith in almighty ..this is all she can do now .

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