Hiding the truth

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A small but interesting update !
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Abhimanyu ' s pov

No ...no ! This person ! This man ! He..he can't be my father ...wait what am I even thinking this can't be true but he himself is telling this to me ..that means those 4 men are none other than other Pandavas and that woman she is Mother Draupadi ! Whatever , I won't let him know about my and Parvan ' s real identity or else he again will say his so called sorry this time I won't let him win ...I still remember how he behaved with mother that day ..! I will never forgive you Arjuna ! Never !

What happened anything wrong , dear ? Arjuna questioned placing his palm on Abhimanyu ' s shoulder. 

Nothing ! He replied , a little coldly .

The sudden change in Abhimanyu ' s behaviour made Arjuna confused as well as curious but he still decided to divert the topic Well , I told you about myself but I still don't know who you are ? So...may I know your name ?

At this he turned a little nervous but still managed to reply stammering a bit he said M..manyu ..

Manyu ! Arjuna exclaimed looking up at Abhimanyu with with tears in eyes . The 16 year old couldn't meet his father ' s gaze ...yes , he too wanted to tell him about his reality but a part of him stopped Abhimanyu from doing the same .

No Abhimanyu ! Control yourself , you can't fall weak ! Composing himself Abhimanyu left the place .

Why do I feel a connection with him ? Why ? Arjuna questioned himself watching the fading image of the unknown boy .


Parvan ! Abhimanyu exclaimed with happiness seeing his brother finally opening his eyes .

Jyeshth ! Letting out a small smile Ruchiparvan called out his brother .

My brother ... Finally you are fine ! Embracing his younger siblings Abhimanyu closed his eyes with tears of happiness .

The four Pandavas and Panchali too smiled heartfully after many days seeing the brother duo happy .

Don't know why aryaputr but seeing them happy is making me smile too ! ... Draupadi questioned to her eldest husband gazing with love at both the brothers .

Maybe because , when we really care about someone , their happiness matters to us more than our own Yudhishthira answered his beloved wife

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Maybe because , when we really care about someone , their happiness matters to us more than our own Yudhishthira answered his beloved wife .

Indeed ! ...


Finally ! I reached here ! Subhadra gasped in relief stepping down from her palqui .

She took a few steps but all of a sudden a rock hitted her leg causing Yadavi to loose her balance , she closed her eyes in the fear of falling but before the hard ground could touch her fragile body a pair of strong arms held her for support .

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