Chapter 31

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TW: Rough sex.

(If you can't handle it, don't read it please)

Harry's POV:

Holy shit that was something!? Why would you do that Harold!!?? I thought to myself, trying to keep myself distracted somehow. It was really difficult considering my eyes kept glancing at the clock on my table hoping it's closer to night. And even though I had opened my laptop to search for something college related, yet I ended up learning how to make cuffs from a leather belt from a site. It was really simple and adjustable.

The site suggested to use handcuffs cause they are more safer but for now my belt had to do, if he agreed to it. I mean, believe me, I don't know what is wrong with me but the idea of having myself cuffed, made me feel more needy. I wanted to try it with him tonight. I have been thinking about it lately and tonight I wanted it to happen. Omg, I sound like a freak!!!!! I glanced at the time. It was 12:45am. Few more minutes and I will go to Louis's room! It was surprising at how turned on I was throughout atleast for 6 hours, trying to keep it down and not get off. Not to mention the flirting we had been doing over texts to get each other more riled up, had been playing like a tune in my head. Oh, it was going to be a long night! Jesus Harry!!! Calm tf down!!!!

I was walking in my room, panicking, adjusting my joggers and practicing how will I ask Louis about the cuffs. It was really difficult because you can't just walk up to someone and ask them like, "hey I wanna put you in handcuffs because it's hot" right? RIGHT????? Ofcourse not!!! What's wrong with you!??? There were still 10 minutes left. Screw this! I can't wait!!!! I tip toes outside in the long corridor so as not to create any sound to wake Dad and Ms. Jane or alert Louis. I was very close to Louis's room but I stopped when I heard my dad's voice from another room. I carefully walked to the room and put my ear to the door to listen.

"We can't do this! It's wrong!!" My dad's voice was firm and hoarse but surprisingly low.

"Relax Dan, It's not wrong. We have to do it! Think about Harry..." Ms. Jane said softly.

What the hell are they talking about!???? What they have to do!????

"I am thinking about him and your son, Louis, Johannah! We can't do this to them! They-" Dad started off but was immediately cut off by Ms. Jane.

"Anne would have wanted this. I know she did. It's alright Dan...I understand it's hard, but we have no other choice. I wish there was any other way" Ms. Jane said softly, comforting my dad I guessed.

"I know, but they should know. It cannot be a secret forever... We abruptly took a decision but they deserve to have an explanation. Please, Johannah, for old times sake...please let me tell them..." My dad's voice went pleading.

I don't like this! The way they are talking!??? What's so important that he feels so guilty about hiding from us???? Wait!? Are they???? No no they wouldn't! They wouldn't, right!??????? I was shocked, angry, sad, dumbfounded. My mind went blank as I made my way to Louis's room. I didn't even knock as I entered in.

"That desperate huh, you are ea- what's wrong?" He asked me worriedly.

I looked at him and debated whether I should tell him or not. After a few seconds, I took a deep sigh,

"I heard our parents and-"

"Oh- oh wow! Jesus! Ew! I mean why were you even listening!??" He made a disgusting face like he wanted to throw up.

"Not that!!! They were talking, you idiot!!!!" I said widening my eyes, a slight edge of anger in my voice. How has he survived this long!????

"Oh" his mouth made an o shape. God, he's an Idiot!

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