Chapter 28

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Matt's pov

What the note said shocked me. " Dear Y/n, you should know you'll be with me one way or another. I always get what I want. See you soon Y/n. Love Tyler."

My grip around her got tighter. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. " Are you ok love?" I asked her looking down and drying her tears. "Yea, I'm ok." "Y/n don't lie to me." "Ok fine, I'm scared." She said looking down at the floor. "What do I do?" I thought to myself. I look down at the crying girl in my arms. " You're beautiful" I said looking at her. Y/n looks up confused. "What?" She said. "I said you're beautiful." " I'm not Matt. I'm crying on the floor and my make-up looks horrible now." "Y/n look at me." I said and she looks up at me.

"Y/n, I fell in love with you for you. I don't care if you make-up is messed up or not. You're beautiful. With or without make-up. Don't beat yourself up because you don't look pretty for me. You'll always be pretty to me Y/n." I finished my little pep talk to her. I looked down at her and smiled."Thank you Matt." Y/n said while looking up to me. I leaned down and kissed her head. Me and Y/n sat there for a while just being with each other.

° time skip °

The next day

Y/n pov

I wake up to my alarm going off at 4 am. I look over to where Matt was sleeping. But when I looked over he wasn't there. "Matt?" I said. I didn't get any response. I got up and changed into what I planned to wear to Wildcats. After changing and doing everything else i needed to do I put on the hoddie Matt gave me.

I start walking down the hallway think he got up earlier. "Matt?" I said again. But still no response. "I'll just make some tea" (if you don't like tea then make it whatever you want it to be). As I'm finishing up making my tea and taking a sip, I look out the back door. I see Matt and he looks like to be talking to someone on the phone. I walk out trying to be as quite as I can.

Matt on the phone

"I don't care. She's mine, I asked her first. Listen you can talk to her all you want, I won't stop you. Alright fine bye, I have to see if she's awake now."

Matt turns around and sees me standing there in shock. "Oh Y/n. How long have you been there for?" Matt says walking up to me. "For a little bit". I said looking down at my tea. "I'm sorry you had to hear that Y/n." Matt says lifting my head. "What was it about. If you don't mind me asking?" "I'll tell you later ok?" He said looking at me. "Ok" I said smiling.

° 5 am °

"You ready to go?" I said Matt. "I think so" he said back. "You think so? Or you know so?" I said trying not to laugh. "Alrighty princess stop that." Matt said making me shut up quickly. "That's what I thought." Matt said giving me a small kiss on the lips.

° heading to Jaren's°

"What was that phone call about?" I asked him stopping at a red light. "Love, I want to tell you." "But?" "I think they should tell you their self." Matt said looking at me driving. We got to Jaren's at 5:30. The flight was at 6:05 so we have some time.

I was sitting on the couch talking to droid. I could tell Matt was staring at me. Matt walks over and sits down by me. "Hey droid why don't you tell Y/n now." Matt said looking at me. "Tell me what?" I asked confused.

Hello lovelys I am back! I am so so sorry that I haven't updated. I'm in college now and it's taking a lot outta me. But here y'all go. Sorry if it sucks I'm just getting back into writing. <3
Have a good day or night y'all

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