Chapter 11

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I walk up to Matt and sit next to him on the couch. Matt looks over at me and I look at him. " Ok so uh I figured out what to do for food." I said to the dreamy boy next to me. "Ok what did you wanna do Y/n?" "So there's this place it's called (again what ever place you wanna go too) and I've been wanting to try it." "Yea ok sounds like a plan." He said. I went to go talk to smii7y and Kryoz in my room. As I was about to walk in I heard them talking. All I could make out is "Dude I'm sorry ok, yes I like your sister BUT she likes Matt". I was surprised at that comment. "John like me" I thought. I seen my brother coming towards the door so I walked into the bathroom and shirt the door behind me. I just sat there in shock waiting for Jaren to walk past. I hear him tell John to talk to me about it and he said he'll think about it. As he walks past I leave the bathroom and walk into my room. "Hey Johnny" I said with a little smirk. " Hey beautiful girl" he says back. Feeling the heat coming to my face I try to hide it by asking him what him and Smit where talking about. "So what did u and Smit talk about?" "He told me what we're doing for dinner and what he wants to do after."

Matt's pov:
I get a text from my ex while I was talking to Smii7y. I opened up the text from her not really wanting to talk to her.

Hey Matt, so I've been thinking. I want to get back together with you.

Oh... Uh Rachel umm there's actually someone I have a crush on right now.

Ok and?

I'll think about it ok?

And with that I started to think about if I should get back together with her or try it with my crush. "Why is it so hard to pick"


Bello lovelys
I hope you guys like this chapter and I'll make another soon I hope 😁 if you like it and want me to keep it going please vote and comment

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