chapter 5

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"Hey lovelys how are y'all doing today?" I asked everyone as they where coming in. I seen alot of "goods you?" And "doing good". "Ok I have some exciting news to tell y'all". "So as alot of you guys know I am Smii7ys sister, so me and him haven't really hung out alot so I am going to his house for maybe 2 weeks with some of his friends to stay and just hang out together." I was waiting to see there response. "Matt is gonna be there I have to pack some cute clothes" While I was reading the chat Smii7y texted me.
J: Smii7y
Y: Y/n

J: Hey I see your streaming
Y: Yea I am why?
J: Well wanna come over and stay tonight and then on so me and you can just hang out together just us?
Y: Yea sure I'll stream for about an hour then be on my way :)
J: Ok have fun

As I look up from text Jearn I see that people were spamming "MATT" "BLARG" and I just sat there reading chat. "Why are y'all spaming about Matt?" A lot of people were saying that he was watching the stream and I started to get nervous.

Heya all this is a tiny chapter because I really want to have a full chapter for when y'all go to Smii7ys so yea... I hope y'all have a great day,night or even afternoon 🐸💙

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